C# (CSharp) Estro.TinyGest.Presentation.ViewModel Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
Locator This class contains static references to all the view models in the application and provides an entry point for the bindings.

Use the mvvmlocatorproperty snippet to add ViewModels to this locator.

In Silverlight and WPF, place the MvvmViewModelLocator1 in the App.xaml resources:

<Application.Resources> <vm:MvvmViewModelLocator1 xmlns:vm="clr-namespace:Estro.TinyGest.Presentation.ViewModel" x:Key="Locator" /> </Application.Resources>

Then use:

DataContext="{Binding Source={StaticResource Locator}, Path=ViewModelName}"

You can also use Blend to do all this with the tool's support.

See http://www.galasoft.ch/mvvm/getstarted

In *WPF only* (and if databinding in Blend is not relevant), you can delete the ViewModelName property and bind to the ViewModelNameStatic property instead:

xmlns:vm="clr-namespace:Estro.TinyGest.Presentation.ViewModel" DataContext="{Binding Source={x:Static vm:MvvmViewModelLocator1.ViewModelNameStatic}}"