C# (CSharp) Encog.MathUtil Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
BoundMath C# will sometimes return Math.NaN or Math.Infinity when numbers get to large or too small. This can have undesirable effects. This class provides some basic math functions that may be in danger of returning such a value. This class imposes a very large and small ceiling and floor to keep the numbers within range.
BoundNumbers A simple class that prevents numbers from getting either too big or too small.
ComplexNumber A complex number class. This class is based on source code by Andrew G. Bennett, Department of Mathematics Kansas State University The original version can be found here: http://www.math.ksu.edu/~bennett/jomacg/c.html
Convert This class is used to convert strings into numeric values. If the string holds a non-numeric value, a zero is returned.
EncogMath Math functions used by Encog.
Equilateral Used to produce an array of activations to classify data into groups. This class is provided the number of groups, as well as the range that the activations should fall into.
IntRange A range of integers.
LinearCongruentialGenerator A predictable random number generator. This is useful for unit tests and benchmarks where we want random numbers, but we want them to be the same each time. This class exists on both Java and C# so it can even provide consistent random numbers over the two platforms. Random numbers are created using a LCG. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_congruential_generator
MathConst Math constants needed by Encog.
NumericRange A numeric range has a high, low, mean, root-mean-square, standard deviation, and the count of how many samples it contains.
ThreadSafeRandom A thread safe random number generator.