C# (CSharp) EU.Europa.EC.Markt.Dss.Validation.Certificate Namespace


Name Description
AIACertificateFactoryImpl Factory used to create the AIACertificateSource
AIACertificateSource Use the AIA attribute of a certificate to retrieve the issuer
CertificateAndContext A certificate comes from a certain context (Trusted List, CertStore, Signature) and has somes properties
KeyStoreCertificateSource Implements a CertificateSource using a JKS KeyStore.
ListCertificateSource Create a CertificateSource from a List or Array of Certificate.
OCSPRespCertificateSource Implement a CertificateSource that retrieve the certificates from an OCSPResponse
OfflineCertificateSource Some certificate source are "offline", that means that the set of certificate is availaible and the software only needs to find the certificate on base of the subjectName