C# (CSharp) Dynamitey.DynamicObjects Namespace


Name Description
AggreType A Fake Tupe that is an aggregate of other types
BaseDictionary Base class of Expando-Type objects
BaseFactory Base Class for making a fluent factory using an Impromptu Interface return type.
BaseForwarder Proxies Calls allows subclasser to override do extra actions before or after base invocation
BaseForwarder.AddRemoveMarker Marks whether we are adding or removing the delegate
BaseObject Dynamic Object that knows about the Impromtu Interface return types; Override Typical Dynamic Object methods, and use TypeForName to get the return type of an interface member.
BaseSingleInstancesFactory Base Class for making a singleton fluent factory using an Impromptu Interface return type.
Dummy Dummy that just returns null or default for everything.
ExtensionToInstanceProxy Proxy that can turn extension methods into instance methods
ExtensionToInstanceProxy.Invoker Basic Invoker syntax for dynamic generics
ExtensionToInstanceProxy.OverloadInvoker Overload Invoker
FauxType A Fake Type
FluentStringLookup Building block to use Method calls as dynamic lookups
Get Dynamic Proxy that exposes any properties of objects, and can massage results based on interface
LateType Late bind types from libraries not not at compile type
LateType.ConstructorForward Forward argument to constructor including named arguments
LateType.MissingTypeException Exception When The Late Type can not be found to bind.
Mimic Class for TDD, used for mocking any dynamic object
RealType A Fake Type that represents a real type
RegexMatch A Dynamic Regex Match