C# (CSharp) DbExpressions Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
DbAggregateFunctionExpression Represents calling an aggregate function in the target DBMS.
DbAliasExpression Represents an aliased DbExpression
DbBatchExpression Represents a batch of DbExpression instances.
DbBinaryExpression Represents a DbExpression that has a binary operator.
DbColumnExpression Represents a column reference in the query.
DbConcatExpression Represents a concatenate operation between two DbExpression instances.
DbConditionalExpression Represents a DbExpression that has a conditional operator.
DbConstantExpression Represents a DbExpression that has a constant value.
DbDateTimeFunctionExpression Represents calling a built in date/time function in the target DBMS.
DbDeleteExpression Represents a 'DELETE' database query.
DbDeleteQueryExtensions Provides the fluent interface that targets a 'DELETE' query.
DbExistsExpression Represents a subquery to test for existence of rows.
DbExpression Provides the base class from which the classes that represent expression tree nodes are derived.
DbExpressionFactory Contains the methods to create the various DbExpression types.
DbExpressionVisitor Represents a visitor or rewriter for DbExpression trees.
DbFunctionExpression Represents calling a built in function in the target DBMS.
DbGroupByExpression Represents the 'GROUP BY' clause of the query.
DbInExpression Represents determining if a given value matches any value in a sub query or a list.
DbInsertExpression Represents an 'INSERT' database query.
DbInsertQueryExtensions Provides the fluent interface that targets an 'INSERT' query.
DbJoinExpression Represents a 'JOIN' in the query.
DbMathematicalFunctionExpression Represents calling a built in mathematical function in the target DBMS.
DbOrderByExpression Represents an element in the 'ORDER BY' clause of the query.
DbPrefixExpression Represents a prefixed DbExpression
DbQueryExpression Provides the base class from which the classes that represents database queries are derived.
DbQueryTranslator Provides a base class for database-specific implementations.
DbQueryTranslatorFactory Factory class that creates DbQueryTranslator instances.
DbSelectExpression Represents a 'SELECT' database query.
DbSelectQueryExtensions Provides the fluent interface that targets a 'SELECT' query.
DbSqlExpression Represents the SQL fragment created when translating a DbExpression
DbStringFunctionExpression Represents calling a built in string function in the target DBMS.
DbTableExpression Represents a table reference in the query.
DbTranslateResult Represents the result of translating a DbExpression tree.
DbUnaryExpression Represents a DbExpression that has a unary operator.
DbUpdateExpression Represents an 'UPDATE' database query.
DbUpdateQueryExtensions Provides the fluent interface that targets an 'UPDATE' query.
MySqlQueryTranslator Translates a DbExpression into a MySql specific string representation.
OracleQueryTranslator Translates a DbExpression into a Oracle specific string representation.
SQLiteQueryTranslator Translates a DbExpression into a SqlLite specific string representation.
SqlQueryTranslator Translates a DbExpression into a SQL Server specific string representation.
StringBuilderExtensions Extends the string class.