C# (CSharp) ContentFiltering.Office.Word.Cleaners Namespace


Name Description
BodyContentExtractor Gets the inner html of the body.
CommentsRemover Removes comments ('<!-- ... >' and '<![ ... ]>') from an html source.
CorrectAttributesCleaner Corrects the attributes that miss ' or ".
CorrectTagsClosingCleaner Corrects the <img> and <br> tags generated by Word.
DoctypeRemover Removes the doctype declaration from a given html code.
EmptyParagraphsCleaner Replaces empty paragraphs with line breaks ('<br/>').
HeadSectionRemover Removes the head section from an html source.
ListCharsCleaner Replaces some characters used by MS Word for bullet lists with 'o' characters.
LocalToWebHTMLCleaner Main cleaner for LocalToWeb.
NbspBetweenTagsRemover Removes the &nbsp; between tags.
NbspReplacer Removes the &nbsp; between tags.
OfficeNameSpacesTagsRemover Removes the tags that are in the office namespaces.
TidyHTMLCleaner Uses Tidy.Net to clean a html source.
WebToLocalHTMLCleaner Main HTML cleaner for WebToLocal.
XmlNamespaceDefinitionsReplacer Replaces the opening html tag with a given one.