C# (CSharp) ComponentFactory.Quicksilver.Binding Namespace


Name Description
Arithmetic Accept and evaluate simple arithmetic expressions.
Eval Accept and evaluate simple expressions using a specific .NET language syntax/semantics.
EvalBinding Evaluates an expression using the collection of Bindings as a source of values.
EvalBindingConverter Evalutes the expression using the provided set of source binding values.
EvalNodeArgList Base class used for implementing specific types of evaluation node.
EvalNodeArrayIndex EvalNode that represents an array index.
EvalNodeConcatenate EvalNode that represents a binary concatenate operation.
EvalNodeCondLogicOp EvalNode that represents a binary conditional logical operation.
EvalNodeConditional EvalNode that represents the ?: conditional.
EvalNodeExponent EvalNode that represents a binary exponent operation.
EvalNodeFieldOrProperty EvalNode that represents a field or property call on an object instance or type.
EvalNodeIdentifier EvalNode that represents an identifier.
EvalNodeLiteral EvalNode that represents a literal.
EvalNodeMethod EvalNode that represents a method call on an object instance or type.
EvalNodeNullCoalescing EvalNode that represents the ?? conditional.
EvalNodeShiftOp EvalNode that represents a bitwise shift operation.
EvalNodeUnaryOp EvalNode that represents a unary operation.
EvalResult Specifies the type of a lexical token.
ImplicitConverter Provides helper methods for performing implicit type conversion.
ParseException Exception indicating error parsing an input string.
ResolveIdentifierEventArgs Event arguments associated with an event to resolve an identifier to an object.
Token Token represents a single lexical item.
Tokeniser Converts a string into a list of lexical tokens.