C# (CSharp) BridgeStack Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
AccessToken Represents an access token created as part of an OAuth flow.


ApiEndpointBuilder Tasked with building endpoint URI strings to the different methods exposed by the API.
ApiException Exception information coming from the Stack Exchange API.
ApiMethodEnumHelpers ApiMethodEnum extensions.
ApiWebClient Web client used to handle API compression.
BadgeCount Represents the total Badges, segregated by rank, a user has earned.


BadgesNamedQuery The named badge query parameters.
BadgesOnUserQuery The badge query parameters.
BadgesQuery The badge query parameters.
CommentsQuery The post comments query parameters.
ComplexQuery The complex query parameters class.
CreateFilterQuery The query parameters for requests to create new filters.
Defaults Default values for queries coming from a particular client instance.
EnumHelpers Enum extensions.
Event Represents an event that has recently occurred on the system.


EventLog Event log message dispatcher implementation.
Filter Describes a filter on the Stack Exchange API.


FilterEnum Default filters provided by the StackExchange API.
NetworkSiteEnum A dynamically generated list of constants for network site's "api_site_parameter" values.
NetworkSiteRelation Represents a site that is related in some way to another site.


NetworkSiteStyling Represents the stylings of a site in the Stack Exchange network.


OAuthClientFactory Creates concrete instances of the OAuthClient.
OAuthScope OAuth scope parameters implementation.
OnEventLoggedArgs Event log delegate arguments.
PostsQuery The post query parameters.
Privilege Represents a privilege a user may have on a Stack Exchange site.


Query Base query class.
QueryHelpers Extension methods for the IQuery interface.
QueryParam A name/value pair struct for query string parameters.
QuestionFavoritesQuery The question favorites query parameters.
QuestionsQuery The question query parameters.
QuestionsRelatedQuery The related question query parameters.
RangedQuery A simple query that can be constrained to a window in time.
Reputation Represents a change in reputation for a User.


SearchQuery The search query parameters.
SearchSimilarQuery The similar search query string parameters.
ShallowUser Represents a user, but omits many of the fields found on the full IUser type.


SimpleQuery The simple query parameters class.
SinceQuery The since query parameters class.
SiteQuery These queries require a target network site.
StackClient Concrete implementation of IStackClient that makes the actual requests to the API.
StackClientFactory Creates concrete instances of the StackClient.
StackClientPlugins Stack Client plugin container.
StringHelpers String extensions. Mostly syntactic sugar.
SuggestedEditsQuery The suggested edit query parameters.
Tag Represents a tag on a Stack Exchange site.


TagScoresQuery The tag scores query parameters.
TagSynonym Represents a mapping from one tag to another, as part of a system's tag synonym list.


TagSynonymsQuery The tag synonyms query parameters.
TagTop Describes a user's score and activity in a given Tag.


TagsNamedQuery The named tags query parameters.
TagsQuery The tags query parameters.
UnixDateTimeConverter Date Time converter specialized on Unix Date Time parsing.
UnixDateTimeHelpers Date Time helpers to assist in JSON deserialization.
UnixTimeSpanConverter JSON converter specialized on Unix Time Span parsing.
UnixTimeSpanHelpers Time Span helpers to assist in JSON deserialization.
User Represents a user on a Stack Exchange site.


UserTimeline Represents a description of public actions a User has taken.


UsersNamedQuery The named user query parameters.
UsersQuery The user query parameters.
Utility Utility class for non-extension helper methods.