C# (CSharp) Bloom.ToPalaso Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
BetterSplitContainer A splitter which doesn't leave itself selected when you use it (that default behavior is lame)
FontInstaller Helper class for installing fonts. To use this: the sourceFolder passed to InstallFont must be one that GetDirectoryDistributedWithApplication can find. It must contain the fonts you want to be sure are installed. It MUST also contain the installer program, "Install Bloom Literacy Fonts.exe", a renamed version of FontReg.exe (see below). The user will typically see a UAC dialog asking whether it is OK to run this program (if the fonts are not already installed).
MessageLabelProgress Conveys messages into the label. Useful as a poor-man's status indicator when using command-line processors
ProgressDialogBackground A Palaso.IProgress-compatible progress dialog which does the work in the background