C# (CSharp) BEPUphysics.CollisionTests.Manifolds Namespace


Name Description
BoxContactManifold Manages persistent contact data between two boxes.
BoxSphereContactManifold Manages persistent contact data between two boxes.
GeneralConvexContactManifold Manages persistent contacts for two convex collidables.
InstancedMeshContactManifold Manages persistent contacts between a convex and an instanced mesh.
InstancedMeshConvexContactManifold Manages persistent contacts between a convex and an instanced mesh.
InstancedMeshSphereContactManifold Manages persistent contacts between a convex and an instanced mesh.
MobileMeshContactManifold Manages persistent contacts between a convex and an instanced mesh.
SphereContactManifold Manages persistent contact data between two boxes.
StaticMeshContactManifold Manages persistent contacts between a static mesh and a convex.
StaticMeshConvexContactManifold Manages persistent contacts between a static mesh and a convex.
StaticMeshSphereContactManifold Manages persistent contacts between a static mesh and a convex.
TerrainContactManifold Manages persistent contacts between a Terrain and a convex.
TriangleConvexContactManifold Manages persistent contacts between a triangle and convex.