C# (CSharp) Aura.Channel.Scripting.Scripts Namespace


Name Description
DialogAutoContinue Dialog automatically continues after x ms.
DialogBgm Changes the background music, for the duration of the dialog.
DialogButton A button is displayed at the bottom of the dialog, and can be clicked. The keyword of the button is sent to the server and can be read using Select.
DialogFaceExpression Changes the facial expression of the portrait. (Defined client sided in the db/npc/npcportrait_ani_* files.)
DialogHotkey Shows the configured hotkey for the given id.
DialogImage Shows an image in the center of the screen.
DialogInput Shows a single lined input box. The result is sent as a regular Select result.
DialogList Displays a list of options (buttons) in a separate window. Result is sent like a regular button click.
DialogMinimap Opens minimap, which is usually hidden during conversations.
DialogMovie Plays a movie in a box in the center of the screen. Files are taken from movie/.
DialogPortrait Changes the NPC portrait, displayed at the upper left of the dialog.
DialogPtjDesc Displays PTJ description window.
DialogPtjReport Displays PTJ report window.
DialogSelectItem Changes the name displayed for the NPC for the rest of the conversation.
DialogSetDefaultName Changes the name displayed for the NPC for the rest of the conversation.
DialogShowDirection Turns camera into the direction of the position.
DialogShowPosition Displays marker on minimap for specified duration.
DialogText Simple text. Strings passed to Msg are converted into this.
DialogTitle Changes the name of the speaking person (at the top of the dialog).
GameEventScript Script for in-game events, like Double Rainbow.
ItemScript Item script base
ItemScriptAttribute Attribute for item scripts, to specify which items the script is for.
NpcShopScript Represents a regular NPC shop.
NpcShopTab Represents tab in an NPC shop, containing items.
UpgradeResult Information about upgrade process
WUUpgrades Upgrade information that are combined in one meta data string called "WU".