C# (CSharp) Akka.Actor Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
ActorBase Class ActorBase.
ActorInitializationException This exception is thrown when the initialization logic for an Actor fails.
ActorKilledException This exception is thrown when a Kill message has been sent to an Actor. SupervisorStrategy.DefaultDecider will by default stop the actor.
ActorNotFoundException This exception is thrown when an Actor can not be found.
ActorSelection Class ActorSelection.
ActorSelectionMessage Class ActorSelectionMessage.
AddressTerminated INTERNAL API Used for remote death watch. Failure detectors publish this to the AddressTerminatedTopic when a remote node is detected to be unreachable and / or decided to be removed. The watcher DeathWatch subscribes to the AddressTerminatedTopic and translates this event to Terminated, which is sent to itself.
AkkaException Class AkkaException.
AskTimeoutException This exception is thrown when an Ask operation times out.
Cancelable A ICancelable that wraps a CancellationTokenSource. When canceling this instance the underlying CancellationTokenSource is canceled as well.
DeadLetterMailbox INTERNAL API Mailbox for dead letters.
DeathPactException This exception is thrown by an Actor that receives a Terminated(someActor) message that it doesn't handle itself, effectively crashing the Actor and escalating to the supervisor.
Deployer Used to configure and deploy actors.
Envelope Envelope class, represents a message and the sender of the message.
GracefulStopSupport Returns a Task that will be completed with success when existing messages of the target actor have been processed and the actor has been terminated. Useful when you need to wait for termination or compose ordered termination of several actors, which should only be done outside of the ActorSystem as blocking inside ActorBase is discouraged. IMPORTANT: the actor being terminated and its supervisor being informed of the availability of the deceased actor's name are two distinct operations, which do not obey any reliable ordering. If the target actor isn't terminated within the timeout the Task is completed with failure. If you want to invoke specialized stopping logic on your target actor instead of PoisonPill, you can pass your stop command as a parameter: GracefulStop(someChild, timeout, MyStopGracefullyMessage).ContinueWith(r => { // Do something after someChild starts being stopped. });
IllegalActorNameException This exception is thrown when an Actor with an invalid name is deployed.
IllegalActorStateException This exception is thrown when a core invariant in the Actor implementation has been violated. For instance, if you try to create an Actor that doesn't inherit from ActorBase.
InvalidActorNameException This exception is thrown when the actor name is invalid.
InvalidMessageException This exception is thrown when an invalid message is sent to an Actor. Currently only null is an invalid message.
Kill Sending an Kill message to an actor causes the actor to throw an ActorKilledException when it processes the message, which gets handled using the normal supervisor mechanism.

See also PoisonPill which causes the actor to stop when the PoisonPill is processed, without throwing an exception, and IActorContext.Stop which causes the actor to stop without processing any more messages.

LocalActorRefProvider Class LocalActorRefProvider. This class cannot be inherited.
LoggerInitializationException This exception is thrown when there was a problem initializing a logger.
PoisonPill Sending a PoisonPill to an will stop the actor when the message is processed. PoisonPill is enqueued as ordinary messages and will be handled after messages that were already queued in the mailbox.

See also Kill which causes the actor to throw an ActorKilledException when it processes the message, which gets handled using the normal supervisor mechanism, and IActorContext.Stop which causes the actor to stop without processing any more messages.

PostRestartException This exception is thrown when the Actor constructor or ActorBase.PostRestart method fails during a restart attempt.
PreRestartException Class PreRestartException.
RootGuardianSupervisor Top-level anchor for the supervision hierarchy of this actor system. Note: This class is called theOneWhoWalksTheBubblesOfSpaceTime in Akka
SchedulerBase Abstract base class for implementing any custom IScheduler implementation used by Akka.NET. All constructed schedulers are expected to support the Config and ILoggingAdapter arguments provided on the default constructor for this class.
SelectChildName Class SelectChildName.
SelectChildPattern Class SelectChildPattern.
SelectParent Class SelectParent.
Settings Settings are the overall ActorSystem Settings which also provides a convenient access to the Config object. For more detailed information about the different possible configuration options, look in the Akka .NET Documentation under "Configuration"
Status.Failure Indicates the failure of some operation that was requested and includes an Exception describing the underlying cause of the problem.
Status.Success Indicates the success of some operation which has been performed
UntypedActor Class UntypedActor.