C# (CSharp) ARCed.Core Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
ColorChangedEventArgs Arguments used when the color changes.
ColorHandler Handle conversions between RGB and HSV color spaces.
ColorHandler.ARGB Struct containing data for a color of the ARGB color space.
ColorHandler.HSV Struct containing data for a color of the HSV color space.
ColorWheel Color wheel for getting a user-selected color
FontXmlConverter Static class that handles conversion of XML serialized Fonts to/from Font objects.
GameResource Base class for resource classes
Ini Static class for reading/writing keys and values from an .ini file
LogSaveEventArgs Events arguments used when a Logger is saved
LogTextEventArgs Events arguments used when a text is added to a Logger
Logger Class for creating a buffer and adding text to. Acts as a loose wrapper for a StringBuilder object, but includes events raised when text is added or when the buffer is flushed to a file.
QColorMatrix Extension of the GDI+ struct ColorMatrix.