C# Class public_sfs.Program

Afficher le fichier Open project: veterinarium/public-sfs

Méthodes publiques

Свойство Type Description
clinicApiKey string
emrApiKey string
sbConnectionString string
sbQueueName string
serverUrl string

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
CreateHospitalization ( HttpClient httpClient, string hospitalizationExternalId ) : Hospitalization
CreateInventoryItem ( HttpClient httpClient, string emrInventoryItemId ) : void
DeleteInventoryItem ( HttpClient httpClient, string emrInventoryItemId ) : void
DischargeHospitalization ( HttpClient httpClient, string hospitalizationExternalId ) : void
DownloadMedicalRecordsReport ( HttpClient httpClient, Hospitalization hosp ) : void
GetAnesthetics ( HttpClient httpClient, string hospitalizationExternalId ) : void
GetDepartments ( HttpClient httpClient ) : void
GetEventsFromServiceBus ( ) : void
GetHospitalization ( HttpClient httpClient, string hospitalizationExternalId ) : void
GetTreatmentTemplates ( HttpClient httpClient ) : void
UpdateHospitalization ( HttpClient httpClient, Hospitalization hosp ) : void
UploadMedics ( HttpClient httpClient ) : void

Private Methods

Méthode Description
Main ( string args ) : void

Method Details

CreateHospitalization() public static méthode

public static CreateHospitalization ( HttpClient httpClient, string hospitalizationExternalId ) : Hospitalization
httpClient System.Net.Http.HttpClient
hospitalizationExternalId string
Résultat Hospitalization

CreateInventoryItem() public static méthode

public static CreateInventoryItem ( HttpClient httpClient, string emrInventoryItemId ) : void
httpClient System.Net.Http.HttpClient
emrInventoryItemId string
Résultat void

DeleteInventoryItem() public static méthode

public static DeleteInventoryItem ( HttpClient httpClient, string emrInventoryItemId ) : void
httpClient System.Net.Http.HttpClient
emrInventoryItemId string
Résultat void

DischargeHospitalization() public static méthode

public static DischargeHospitalization ( HttpClient httpClient, string hospitalizationExternalId ) : void
httpClient System.Net.Http.HttpClient
hospitalizationExternalId string
Résultat void

DownloadMedicalRecordsReport() public static méthode

public static DownloadMedicalRecordsReport ( HttpClient httpClient, Hospitalization hosp ) : void
httpClient System.Net.Http.HttpClient
hosp Hospitalization
Résultat void

GetAnesthetics() public static méthode

public static GetAnesthetics ( HttpClient httpClient, string hospitalizationExternalId ) : void
httpClient System.Net.Http.HttpClient
hospitalizationExternalId string
Résultat void

GetDepartments() public static méthode

public static GetDepartments ( HttpClient httpClient ) : void
httpClient System.Net.Http.HttpClient
Résultat void

GetEventsFromServiceBus() public static méthode

public static GetEventsFromServiceBus ( ) : void
Résultat void

GetHospitalization() public static méthode

public static GetHospitalization ( HttpClient httpClient, string hospitalizationExternalId ) : void
httpClient System.Net.Http.HttpClient
hospitalizationExternalId string
Résultat void

GetTreatmentTemplates() public static méthode

public static GetTreatmentTemplates ( HttpClient httpClient ) : void
httpClient System.Net.Http.HttpClient
Résultat void

UpdateHospitalization() public static méthode

public static UpdateHospitalization ( HttpClient httpClient, Hospitalization hosp ) : void
httpClient System.Net.Http.HttpClient
hosp Hospitalization
Résultat void

UploadMedics() public static méthode

public static UploadMedics ( HttpClient httpClient ) : void
httpClient System.Net.Http.HttpClient
Résultat void

Property Details

clinicApiKey public_oe static_oe property

Each clinic has a special key to be used for integration with EMR. This key is generated after clinic registration and available at account page (https://www.smartflowsheet.com/Account/Info)
public static string clinicApiKey
Résultat string

emrApiKey public_oe static_oe property

Each EMR has special developer key received from Smart Flow Sheet support
public static string emrApiKey
Résultat string

sbConnectionString public_oe static_oe property

Each clinic has special connection string which used for receive clinic's events via Azure Service Bus. This connection string received from Smart Flow Sheet support
public static string sbConnectionString
Résultat string

sbQueueName public_oe static_oe property

Each clinic has special queue name which used for receive clinic's events via Azure Service Bus. Queue name received from Smart Flow Sheet support (usually it's equal to clinicApiKey).
public static string sbQueueName
Résultat string

serverUrl public_oe static_oe property

Base server url: - sandbox : "https://sfs-public.azurewebsites.net/api/v3"; - production: "https://www.smartflowsheet.com/api/v3"
public static string serverUrl
Résultat string