C# Class org.GraphDefined.Vanaheimr.Illias.Votes.VetoVote

A veto vote is a simple way to ask multiple event subscribers if an action, e.g. AddVertex(...) should be processed or suspended. If anyone is unhappy with it, the result of the vote will be false.
Inheritance: ABooleanVote
Afficher le fichier Open project: Vanaheimr/Illias

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
Veto ( ) : void


VetoVote ( )

A veto vote is a simple way to ask multiple event subscribers if an action, e.g. AddVertex(...) should be processed or suspended. If anyone is unhappy with it, the result of the vote will be false.

Method Details

Veto() public méthode

public Veto ( ) : void
Résultat void

VetoVote() public méthode

A veto vote is a simple way to ask multiple event subscribers if an action, e.g. AddVertex(...) should be processed or suspended. If anyone is unhappy with it, the result of the vote will be false.
public VetoVote ( )