C# Class numl.Unsupervised.GMM

A Generative Mixture Model.
Afficher le fichier Open project: sethjuarez/numl

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
Generate ( IEnumerable examples, int k ) : void


Generate ( Matrix X, int k ) : void


Normal ( Vector x, Vector mu, Vector sigma ) : double

Compute probability according to multivariate Gaussian.

Private Methods

Méthode Description
pow ( double a, double d ) : double
sqrt ( double d ) : double

Method Details

Generate() public méthode

Thrown when the requested operation is invalid.
public Generate ( IEnumerable examples, int k ) : void
examples IEnumerable The examples.
k int The int to process.
Résultat void

Generate() public méthode

public Generate ( Matrix X, int k ) : void
X Matrix The Matrix to process.
k int The int to process.
Résultat void

Normal() public méthode

Compute probability according to multivariate Gaussian.
public Normal ( Vector x, Vector mu, Vector sigma ) : double
x numl.Math.LinearAlgebra.Vector Vector in question.
mu numl.Math.LinearAlgebra.Vector Mean.
sigma numl.Math.LinearAlgebra.Vector diag(covariance)
Résultat double