C# Class Yea.IO.DirectoryInfoExtensions

Extension methods for System.IO.DirectoryInfo
Afficher le fichier Open project: OxPatient/Rule-Engine

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
CopyTo ( this source, string destination, bool recursive = true, CopyOptions options = CopyOptions.CopyAlways ) : DirectoryInfo

Copies a directory to another location

DeleteAll ( this info ) : void

Deletes directory and all content found within it

DeleteDirectoriesNewerThan ( this directory, System.DateTime compareDate, bool recursive = false ) : DirectoryInfo

Deletes directories newer than the specified date

DeleteDirectoriesOlderThan ( this directory, System.DateTime compareDate, bool recursive = false ) : DirectoryInfo

Deletes directories newer than the specified date

DeleteFiles ( this directory, bool recursive = false ) : DirectoryInfo

Deletes files from a directory

DeleteFilesNewerThan ( this directory, System.DateTime compareDate, bool recursive = false ) : DirectoryInfo

Deletes files newer than the specified date

DeleteFilesOlderThan ( this directory, System.DateTime compareDate, bool recursive = false ) : DirectoryInfo

Deletes files older than the specified date

DriveInfo ( this directory ) : DriveInfo

Gets the drive information for a directory

EnumerateFiles ( this directory, IEnumerable searchPatterns, SearchOption options ) : IEnumerable

Enumerates the files within a directory

SetAttributes ( this directory, FileAttributes attributes, bool recursive = false ) : DirectoryInfo

Sets a directory's attributes

Size ( this directory, string searchPattern = "*", bool recursive = false ) : long

Gets the size of all files within a directory

Method Details

CopyTo() public static méthode

Copies a directory to another location
public static CopyTo ( this source, string destination, bool recursive = true, CopyOptions options = CopyOptions.CopyAlways ) : DirectoryInfo
source this Source directory
destination string Destination directory
recursive bool Should the copy be recursive
options CopyOptions Options used in copying
Résultat System.IO.DirectoryInfo

DeleteAll() public static méthode

Deletes directory and all content found within it
public static DeleteAll ( this info ) : void
info this Directory info object
Résultat void

DeleteDirectoriesNewerThan() public static méthode

Deletes directories newer than the specified date
public static DeleteDirectoriesNewerThan ( this directory, System.DateTime compareDate, bool recursive = false ) : DirectoryInfo
directory this Directory to look within
compareDate System.DateTime The date to compare to
recursive bool Is this a recursive call
Résultat System.IO.DirectoryInfo

DeleteDirectoriesOlderThan() public static méthode

Deletes directories newer than the specified date
public static DeleteDirectoriesOlderThan ( this directory, System.DateTime compareDate, bool recursive = false ) : DirectoryInfo
directory this Directory to look within
compareDate System.DateTime The date to compare to
recursive bool Is this a recursive call
Résultat System.IO.DirectoryInfo

DeleteFiles() public static méthode

Deletes files from a directory
public static DeleteFiles ( this directory, bool recursive = false ) : DirectoryInfo
directory this Directory to delete the files from
recursive bool Should this be recursive?
Résultat System.IO.DirectoryInfo

DeleteFilesNewerThan() public static méthode

Deletes files newer than the specified date
public static DeleteFilesNewerThan ( this directory, System.DateTime compareDate, bool recursive = false ) : DirectoryInfo
directory this Directory to look within
compareDate System.DateTime The date to compare to
recursive bool Is this a recursive call
Résultat System.IO.DirectoryInfo

DeleteFilesOlderThan() public static méthode

Deletes files older than the specified date
public static DeleteFilesOlderThan ( this directory, System.DateTime compareDate, bool recursive = false ) : DirectoryInfo
directory this Directory to look within
compareDate System.DateTime The date to compare to
recursive bool Is this a recursive call
Résultat System.IO.DirectoryInfo

DriveInfo() public static méthode

Gets the drive information for a directory
public static DriveInfo ( this directory ) : DriveInfo
directory this The directory to get the drive info of
Résultat System.IO.DriveInfo

EnumerateFiles() public static méthode

Enumerates the files within a directory
public static EnumerateFiles ( this directory, IEnumerable searchPatterns, SearchOption options ) : IEnumerable
directory this Directory to search in
searchPatterns IEnumerable Patterns to search for
options SearchOption Search options
Résultat IEnumerable

SetAttributes() public static méthode

Sets a directory's attributes
public static SetAttributes ( this directory, FileAttributes attributes, bool recursive = false ) : DirectoryInfo
directory this Directory
attributes FileAttributes Attributes to set
recursive bool Determines if this is a recursive call
Résultat System.IO.DirectoryInfo

Size() public static méthode

Gets the size of all files within a directory
public static Size ( this directory, string searchPattern = "*", bool recursive = false ) : long
directory this Directory
searchPattern string Search pattern used to tell what files to include (defaults to all)
recursive bool determines if this is a recursive call or not
Résultat long