C# Class Yava.FoldersFile.FoldersFileReadError

Inheritance: System.Exception
Afficher le fichier Open project: Beluki/Yava

Méthodes publiques

Свойство Type Description
FilePath String
Line String
LineNumber System.Int32

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
FoldersFileReadError ( String message, String filepath, String line, Int32 linenumber ) : System

Raised by FoldersFileReader on a reading error.

Method Details

FoldersFileReadError() public méthode

Raised by FoldersFileReader on a reading error.
public FoldersFileReadError ( String message, String filepath, String line, Int32 linenumber ) : System
message String Error message.
filepath String Path to the file that triggered the error.
line String Text for the incorrect line.
linenumber System.Int32 Line number where the error happened.
Résultat System

Property Details

FilePath public_oe property

Path to the file that triggered the error.
public String FilePath
Résultat String

Line public_oe property

Text for the incorrect line.
public String Line
Résultat String

LineNumber public_oe property

Line number where the error happened.
public Int32,System LineNumber
Résultat System.Int32