C# Class WinRTXamlToolkit.Controls.DataVisualization.Charting.DisplayAxis

An axis that has a range.
Inheritance: Axis, IRequireSeriesHost
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Méthodes publiques

Свойство Type Description
AxisLabelStyleProperty DependencyProperty
MajorTickMarkStyleProperty DependencyProperty
ShowGridLinesProperty DependencyProperty
TitleProperty DependencyProperty
TitleStyleProperty DependencyProperty

Private Properties

Свойство Type Description
ArrangeAxisGrid void
DisplayAxisSizeChanged void
GetMajorGridLineCoordinates IEnumerable
InternalGetMajorGridLinePositions IEnumerable
OnAxisLabelStylePropertyChanged void
OnGridLinesPropertyChanged void
OnMajorTickMarkStylePropertyChanged void
OnOrientedPanelSizeChanged void
OnShowGridLinesPropertyChanged void
OnTitlePropertyChanged void
RenderAxis void
SetShowGridLines void

Méthodes protégées

Méthode Description
CreateAxisLabel ( ) : Control

Creates an axis label.

CreateMajorTickMark ( ) : Line

Creates a major axis tick mark.

CreateTickMark ( Style style ) : Line

Creates a tick mark and applies a style to it.

DisplayAxis ( ) : System

Instantiates a new instance of the DisplayAxis class.

GetLength ( Size availableSize ) : double

Returns the length of the axis given an available size.

Invalidate ( ) : void

Invalidates the axis.

MeasureOverride ( Size availableSize ) : Size

Renders the axis.

OnApplyTemplate ( ) : void

Retrieves template parts and configures layout.

OnAxisLabelStylePropertyChanged ( Style oldValue, Style newValue ) : void

AxisLabelStyleProperty property changed handler.

OnDependentAxesCollectionChanged ( ) : void

Updates the grid lines element if a suitable dependent axis has been added to a radial axis.

OnInvalidated ( RoutedEventArgs args ) : void

Updates the visual appearance of the axis when it is invalidated.

OnLocationPropertyChanged ( AxisLocation oldValue, AxisLocation newValue ) : void

Arranges the grid when the location property is changed.

OnMajorTickMarkStylePropertyChanged ( Style oldValue, Style newValue ) : void

MajorTickMarkStyleProperty property changed handler.

OnOrientationPropertyChanged ( AxisOrientation oldValue, AxisOrientation newValue ) : void

Reformulates the grid when the orientation is changed. Grid is either separated into two columns or two rows. The title is inserted with the outermost section from the edge and an oriented panel is inserted into the innermost section.

OnSeriesHostPropertyChanged ( ISeriesHost oldValue, ISeriesHost newValue ) : void

This method is run when the series host property is changed.

OnShowGridLinesPropertyChanged ( bool oldValue, bool newValue ) : void

ShowGridLinesProperty property changed handler.

OnTitlePropertyChanged ( object oldValue, object newValue ) : void

TitleProperty property changed handler.

PrepareAxisLabel ( Control label, object dataContext ) : void

Prepares an axis label to be plotted.

Render ( Size availableSize ) : void

Renders the axis labels, tick marks, and other visual elements.

Private Methods

Méthode Description
ArrangeAxisGrid ( ) : void

Arranges the elements in the axis grid.

DisplayAxisSizeChanged ( object sender, SizeChangedEventArgs e ) : void

If display axis has just become visible, invalidate.

GetMajorGridLineCoordinates ( Size availableSize ) : IEnumerable
InternalGetMajorGridLinePositions ( ) : IEnumerable

This method is used to share the grid line coordinates with the internal grid lines control.

OnAxisLabelStylePropertyChanged ( DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e ) : void

AxisLabelStyleProperty property changed handler.

OnGridLinesPropertyChanged ( DisplayAxisGridLines oldValue, DisplayAxisGridLines newValue ) : void

GridLinesProperty property changed handler.

OnMajorTickMarkStylePropertyChanged ( DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e ) : void

MajorTickMarkStyleProperty property changed handler.

OnOrientedPanelSizeChanged ( object sender, SizeChangedEventArgs e ) : void

When the size of the oriented panel changes invalidate the axis.

OnShowGridLinesPropertyChanged ( DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e ) : void

ShowGridLinesProperty property changed handler.

OnTitlePropertyChanged ( DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e ) : void

TitleProperty property changed handler.

RenderAxis ( Size availableSize ) : void

Renders the axis if there is a valid value for orientation.

SetShowGridLines ( bool newValue ) : void

Creates and destroys a grid lines element based on the specified value.

Method Details

CreateAxisLabel() protected méthode

Creates an axis label.
protected CreateAxisLabel ( ) : Control
Résultat Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control

CreateMajorTickMark() protected méthode

Creates a major axis tick mark.
protected CreateMajorTickMark ( ) : Line
Résultat Line

CreateTickMark() protected méthode

Creates a tick mark and applies a style to it.
protected CreateTickMark ( Style style ) : Line
style Style The style to apply.
Résultat Line

DisplayAxis() protected méthode

Instantiates a new instance of the DisplayAxis class.
protected DisplayAxis ( ) : System
Résultat System

GetLength() protected méthode

Returns the length of the axis given an available size.
protected GetLength ( Size availableSize ) : double
availableSize Size The available size.
Résultat double

Invalidate() protected méthode

Invalidates the axis.
protected Invalidate ( ) : void
Résultat void

MeasureOverride() protected méthode

Renders the axis.
protected MeasureOverride ( Size availableSize ) : Size
availableSize Size The available size.
Résultat Size

OnApplyTemplate() protected méthode

Retrieves template parts and configures layout.
protected OnApplyTemplate ( ) : void
Résultat void

OnAxisLabelStylePropertyChanged() protected méthode

AxisLabelStyleProperty property changed handler.
protected OnAxisLabelStylePropertyChanged ( Style oldValue, Style newValue ) : void
oldValue Style Old value.
newValue Style New value.
Résultat void

OnDependentAxesCollectionChanged() protected méthode

Updates the grid lines element if a suitable dependent axis has been added to a radial axis.
protected OnDependentAxesCollectionChanged ( ) : void
Résultat void

OnInvalidated() protected méthode

Updates the visual appearance of the axis when it is invalidated.
protected OnInvalidated ( RoutedEventArgs args ) : void
args RoutedEventArgs Information for the invalidated event.
Résultat void

OnLocationPropertyChanged() protected méthode

Arranges the grid when the location property is changed.
protected OnLocationPropertyChanged ( AxisLocation oldValue, AxisLocation newValue ) : void
oldValue AxisLocation The old location.
newValue AxisLocation The new location.
Résultat void

OnMajorTickMarkStylePropertyChanged() protected méthode

MajorTickMarkStyleProperty property changed handler.
protected OnMajorTickMarkStylePropertyChanged ( Style oldValue, Style newValue ) : void
oldValue Style Old value.
newValue Style New value.
Résultat void

OnOrientationPropertyChanged() protected méthode

Reformulates the grid when the orientation is changed. Grid is either separated into two columns or two rows. The title is inserted with the outermost section from the edge and an oriented panel is inserted into the innermost section.
protected OnOrientationPropertyChanged ( AxisOrientation oldValue, AxisOrientation newValue ) : void
oldValue AxisOrientation The old value.
newValue AxisOrientation The new value.
Résultat void

OnSeriesHostPropertyChanged() protected méthode

This method is run when the series host property is changed.
protected OnSeriesHostPropertyChanged ( ISeriesHost oldValue, ISeriesHost newValue ) : void
oldValue ISeriesHost The old series host.
newValue ISeriesHost The new series host.
Résultat void

OnShowGridLinesPropertyChanged() protected méthode

ShowGridLinesProperty property changed handler.
protected OnShowGridLinesPropertyChanged ( bool oldValue, bool newValue ) : void
oldValue bool Old value.
newValue bool New value.
Résultat void

OnTitlePropertyChanged() protected méthode

TitleProperty property changed handler.
protected OnTitlePropertyChanged ( object oldValue, object newValue ) : void
oldValue object Old value.
newValue object New value.
Résultat void

PrepareAxisLabel() protected méthode

Prepares an axis label to be plotted.
protected PrepareAxisLabel ( Control label, object dataContext ) : void
label Control The axis label to prepare.
dataContext object The data context to use for the axis /// label.
Résultat void

Render() protected abstract méthode

Renders the axis labels, tick marks, and other visual elements.
protected abstract Render ( Size availableSize ) : void
availableSize Size The available size.
Résultat void

Property Details

AxisLabelStyleProperty public_oe static_oe property

Identifies the AxisLabelStyle dependency property.
public static DependencyProperty AxisLabelStyleProperty
Résultat DependencyProperty

MajorTickMarkStyleProperty public_oe static_oe property

Identifies the MajorTickMarkStyle dependency property.
public static DependencyProperty MajorTickMarkStyleProperty
Résultat DependencyProperty

ShowGridLinesProperty public_oe static_oe property

Identifies the ShowGridLines dependency property.
public static DependencyProperty ShowGridLinesProperty
Résultat DependencyProperty

TitleProperty public_oe static_oe property

Identifies the Title dependency property.
public static DependencyProperty TitleProperty
Résultat DependencyProperty

TitleStyleProperty public_oe static_oe property

Identifies the TitleStyle dependency property.
public static DependencyProperty TitleStyleProperty
Résultat DependencyProperty