Свойство | Type | Description | |
ActualDependentAxisProperty | |||
ActualIndependentAxisProperty | |||
DependentAxisProperty | |||
IndependentAxisProperty | |||
SelectedIndexProperty | |||
SelectedItemProperty | |||
SelectionModeProperty |
Méthode | Description | |
AcquireDependentAxis ( ) : IAxis |
Acquires a dependent axis suitable for use with the data values of the series.
AcquireIndependentAxis ( ) : IAxis |
Acquires an independent axis suitable for use with the data values of the series.
ArrangeOverride ( |
Called when the control needs to arrange its children. Used as a good place to dequeue queued work. |
CreateDataPoint ( ) : |
Creates a DataPoint for the series.
DataItemFromDataPoint ( |
Returns the DataItem corresponding to the specified DataPoint.
DefinitionSeries ( ) : System |
Initializes a new instance of the DefinitionSeries class.
IDataProviderGetData ( IDataConsumer dataConsumer ) : IEnumerable |
Returns the data for the data points of the series.
IRangeProviderGetRange ( IRangeConsumer rangeConsumer ) : Range |
Returns the range for the data points of the series.
IValueMarginProviderGetValueMargins ( IValueMarginConsumer valueMarginConsumer ) : IEnumerable |
Returns the value margins for the data points of the series.
NotifyAxisValuesChanged ( IAxis axis ) : void |
Notifies the specified axis of changes to values plotting against it.
NotifyValueMarginsChanged ( IAxis axis, IEnumerable |
Notifies the specified axis of changes to value margins plotting against it.
OnApplyTemplate ( ) : void |
Builds the visual tree for the control when a new template is applied.
PrepareDataPoint ( |
Prepares a DataPoint for use.
SeriesDefinitionsCollectionChanged ( NotifyCollectionChangedAction action, IList oldItems, int oldStartingIndex, IList newItems, int newStartingIndex ) : void |
Handles the CollectionChanged event of the SeriesDefinitions collection.
UpdateDataItemPlacement ( IEnumerable |
Updates the placement of the DataItems (data points) of the series.
Méthode | Description | |
AddDataItems ( |
Creates and adds DataItems for the specified SeriesDefinition's items.
AddedDataItems ( ) : void |
Updates the axes after DataItems have been added.
ClearContainerForItem ( |
Undoes the effects of the PrepareContainerForItemOverride method.
DataPointActualDependentValueChanged ( object sender, RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs |
Handles the ActualDependentValueChanged event of a DataPoint.
DataPointActualIndependentValueChanged ( object sender, RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs |
Handles the ActualIndependentValueChanged event of a DataPoint.
DataPointDependentValueChanged ( object sender, RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs |
Handles the DependentValueChanged event of a DataPoint.
DataPointIndependentValueChanged ( object sender, RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs |
Handles the IndependentValueChanged event of a DataPoint.
DataPointStateChanged ( object sender, RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs |
Handles the StateChanged event of a DataPoint.
EnsureAxes ( bool updateDependentAxis, bool updateIndependentAxis, bool unconditionallyNotifyAxes ) : void |
Ensures that suitable axes are present and registered.
IAxisListener ( IAxis axis ) : void |
Handles notification of the invalidation of an axis.
IDataProvider ( IDataConsumer dataConsumer ) : IEnumerable |
Returns the data for the data points of the series.
IRangeProvider ( IRangeConsumer rangeConsumer ) : Range |
Returns the range for the data points of the series.
IResourceDictionaryDispenser ( bool>.Func |
Gets a IResourceDictionaryDispenser for the series as a series host.
IValueMarginProvider ( IValueMarginConsumer valueMarginConsumer ) : IEnumerable |
Returns the value margins for the data points of the series.
InternalCreateDataPoint ( ) : |
Provides an internally-accessible wrapper for calling CreateDataPoint.
ItemContainerSelectionChanged ( object sender, |
Handles the SelectionChanged event of the ItemContainer class.
ItemContainerSizeChanged ( object sender, |
Handles the SizeChanged event of the ItemContainer.
OnDependentAxisChanged ( |
Handles changes to the DependentAxis dependency property.
OnDependentAxisChanged ( IAxis oldValue, IAxis newValue ) : void | ||
OnIndependentAxisChanged ( |
Handles changes to the IndependentAxis dependency property.
OnIndependentAxisChanged ( IAxis oldValue, IAxis newValue ) : void | ||
OnSelectionModeChanged ( |
Handles changes to the SelectionMode dependency property.
OnSelectionModeChanged ( SeriesSelectionMode oldValue, SeriesSelectionMode newValue ) : void | ||
PrepareContainerForItem ( |
Prepares the specified element to display the specified item.
QueueUpdateDataItemPlacement ( bool dependentAxisValuesChanged, bool independentAxisValuesChanged, IEnumerable |
Queues an update of DataItem placement for the next update opportunity.
RemovedDataItems ( ) : void |
Notifies the axes after DataItems have been removed.
SelectedItemsCollectionChanged ( object sender, |
Handles the CollectionChanged event of the SelectedItems collection.
SeriesDefinitionItemsSourceChanged ( |
Handles changes to the ItemsSource of a SeriesDefinition.
SeriesDefinitionItemsSourceCollectionChanged ( |
SeriesDefinitionsCollectionChanged ( object sender, |
Handles the CollectionChanged event of the SeriesDefinitions collection.
SeriesHostResourceDictionariesChanged ( object sender, |
Handles the ResourceDictionariesChanged event of the SeriesHost owner.
UpdatePaletteProperties ( |
Updates the palette properties of the specified SeriesDefinition.
protected abstract AcquireDependentAxis ( ) : IAxis | ||
Résultat | IAxis |
protected abstract AcquireIndependentAxis ( ) : IAxis | ||
Résultat | IAxis |
protected ArrangeOverride ( |
arrangeBounds | Bounds to arrange within. | |
Résultat |
protected abstract CreateDataPoint ( ) : |
Résultat |
protected DataItemFromDataPoint ( |
dataPoint | Specified DataPoint. | |
Résultat | DataItem |
protected IDataProviderGetData ( IDataConsumer dataConsumer ) : IEnumerable | ||
dataConsumer | IDataConsumer | Consumer of the data. |
Résultat | IEnumerable |
protected IRangeProviderGetRange ( IRangeConsumer rangeConsumer ) : Range |
rangeConsumer | IRangeConsumer | Consumer of the range. |
Résultat | Range |
protected IValueMarginProviderGetValueMargins ( IValueMarginConsumer valueMarginConsumer ) : IEnumerable |
valueMarginConsumer | IValueMarginConsumer | Consumer of the value margins. |
Résultat | IEnumerable |
protected NotifyAxisValuesChanged ( IAxis axis ) : void | ||
axis | IAxis | Specified axis. |
Résultat | void |
protected NotifyValueMarginsChanged ( IAxis axis, IEnumerable |
axis | IAxis | Specified axis. |
valueMargins | IEnumerable |
Sequence of value margins that have changed. |
Résultat | void |
protected PrepareDataPoint ( |
dataPoint | DataPoint instance. | |
Résultat | void |
protected SeriesDefinitionsCollectionChanged ( NotifyCollectionChangedAction action, IList oldItems, int oldStartingIndex, IList newItems, int newStartingIndex ) : void | ||
action | NotifyCollectionChangedAction | Type of change. |
oldItems | IList | Sequence of old items. |
oldStartingIndex | int | Starting index of old items. |
newItems | IList | Sequence of new items. |
newStartingIndex | int | Starting index of new items. |
Résultat | void |
protected abstract UpdateDataItemPlacement ( IEnumerable |
dataItems | IEnumerable |
DataItems in need of an update. |
Résultat | void |
public static DependencyProperty,Windows.UI.Xaml ActualDependentAxisProperty | ||
Résultat |
public static DependencyProperty,Windows.UI.Xaml ActualIndependentAxisProperty | ||
Résultat |
public static DependencyProperty,Windows.UI.Xaml DependentAxisProperty | ||
Résultat |
public static DependencyProperty,Windows.UI.Xaml IndependentAxisProperty | ||
Résultat |
public static DependencyProperty,Windows.UI.Xaml SelectedIndexProperty | ||
Résultat |
public static DependencyProperty,Windows.UI.Xaml SelectedItemProperty | ||
Résultat |