C# Class WinCompositionTiltEffect.TiltBehavior

Inheritance: Microsoft.Xaml.Interactivity.Behavior
Afficher le fichier Open project: r2d2rigo/WinCompositionTiltEffect

Méthodes protégées

Méthode Description
OnAttached ( ) : void

Called when the behavior is attached to a control.

OnDetaching ( ) : void

Called when the behavior is detached.

Private Methods

Méthode Description
ApplyTiltEffect ( Windows e ) : void

Applies tilt effect on the control.

ResetTiltEffect ( ) : void

Resets the values set by the tilt effect - just the rotation angle.

UiElement_PointerCanceled ( object sender, Windows e ) : void

The pointer contact has been canceled, reset the tilt effect.

UiElement_PointerExited ( object sender, Windows e ) : void

The pointer has exited the bounds of the control, reset the tilt effect.

UiElement_PointerMoved ( object sender, Windows e ) : void

The pointer has been moved on top of the control - check if it's pressed and act accordingly.

UiElement_PointerPressed ( object sender, Windows e ) : void

The pointer has been pressed on top of the control, apply tilt effect.

UiElement_PointerReleased ( object sender, Windows e ) : void

The pointer has been released on top of the control, reset the tilt effect.

Method Details

OnAttached() protected méthode

Called when the behavior is attached to a control.
protected OnAttached ( ) : void
Résultat void

OnDetaching() protected méthode

Called when the behavior is detached.
protected OnDetaching ( ) : void
Résultat void