C# Class WPFSpark.FluidLayoutManager

Class which helps in the layout management for the FluidWrapPanel
Afficher le fichier Open project: TNOCS/csTouch Class Usage Examples

Private Methods

Méthode Description
CalculateCellsPerLine ( ) : void

Calculates the number of child items that can be accommodated in a single line

CreateTransform ( double transX, double transY, double scaleX, double scaleY, double rotAngle = 0.0D ) : System.Windows.Media.TransformGroup

Creates a TransformGroup based on the given Translation, Scale and Rotation

CreateTransition ( UIElement element, Point newLocation, System.TimeSpan period, EasingFunctionBase easing ) : System.Windows.Media.Animation.Storyboard

Creates the storyboard for animating a child from its old location to the new location. The Translation and Scale properties are animated.

GetArrangedSize ( int childrenCount, Size finalSize ) : Size

Gets the total size taken up by the children after the Arrange Layout Phase

GetCellFromIndex ( int index, int &row, int &column ) : void

Provides the row and column of the child based on its index in the FluidWrapPanel.Children

GetCellFromPoint ( Point p, int &row, int &column ) : void

Provides the row and column of the child based on its location in the FluidWrapPanel

GetIndexFromCell ( int row, int column ) : int

Provides the index of the child (in the FluidWrapPanel's children) from the given row and column

GetIndexFromPoint ( Point p ) : int

Provides the index of the child (in the FluidWrapPanel's children) from the given point

GetInitialLocationOfChild ( int index ) : Point

Calculates the initial location of the child in the FluidWrapPanel when the child is added.

GetPointFromCell ( int row, int column ) : Point

Provides the location of the child in the FluidWrapPanel based on the given row and column

GetPointFromIndex ( int index ) : Point

Provides the location of the child in the FluidWrapPanel based on the given row and column

Initialize ( double panelWidth, double panelHeight, double cellWidth, double cellHeight, Orientation orientation ) : void

Initializes the FluidLayoutManager