C# Class UserControls.CommentView

Afficher le fichier Open project: rasmuskl/ReSharperCourse

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
BindCountries ( ) : void

Binds the country dropdown list with countries retrieved from the .NET Framework.

CommentView ( ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the CommentView class.

GetCallbackResult ( ) : string

Returns the results of a callback event that targets a control.

RaiseCallbackEvent ( string eventArgument ) : void

Processes a callback event that targets a control.

ResolveRegion ( ) : RegionInfo

Resolves the region based on the browser language.

Méthodes protégées

Méthode Description
AdminLink ( string id ) : string

Displays a delete link to visitors that is authenticated using the default membership provider.

BBCodes ( ) : string

Displays BBCodes dynamically loaded from settings.

FlagUrl ( ) : string

Sets the flag image URL.

OnLoad ( EventArgs e ) : void

Raises the E:System.Web.UI.Control.Load event.

Private Methods

Méthode Description
AddNestedComments ( string path, IEnumerable nestedComments, Control commentsPlaceHolder, bool canViewUnpublishedPosts ) : void

Adds the nested comments.

ApproveAllComments ( ) : void

Approves all comments.

ApproveComment ( ) : void

Approves the comment.

CollectCommentToDelete ( Comment comment, List commentsToDelete ) : void

Collects the comment to delete.

DeleteComment ( ) : void

Deletes the comment.

DeleteCommentAndChildren ( ) : void

Deletes the comment and children.

EnableCaptchas ( ) : void

Enables the captchas.

EnableRecaptcha ( ) : void

Enables the recaptcha.

EnableSimpleCaptcha ( ) : void

Enables the simple captcha.

GetCookie ( ) : void

Gets the cookie with visitor information if any is set. Then fills the contact information fields in the form.

SetCookie ( string name, string email, string website, string country ) : void

Sets a cookie with the entered visitor information so it can be prefilled on next visit.

Method Details

AdminLink() protected méthode

Displays a delete link to visitors that is authenticated using the default membership provider.
protected AdminLink ( string id ) : string
id string /// The id of the comment. ///
Résultat string

BBCodes() protected méthode

Displays BBCodes dynamically loaded from settings.
protected BBCodes ( ) : string
Résultat string

BindCountries() public méthode

Binds the country dropdown list with countries retrieved from the .NET Framework.
public BindCountries ( ) : void
Résultat void

CommentView() public méthode

Initializes a new instance of the CommentView class.
public CommentView ( ) : System
Résultat System

FlagUrl() protected méthode

Sets the flag image URL.
protected FlagUrl ( ) : string
Résultat string

GetCallbackResult() public méthode

Returns the results of a callback event that targets a control.
public GetCallbackResult ( ) : string
Résultat string

OnLoad() protected méthode

Raises the E:System.Web.UI.Control.Load event.
protected OnLoad ( EventArgs e ) : void
e EventArgs /// The object that contains the event data. ///
Résultat void

RaiseCallbackEvent() public méthode

Processes a callback event that targets a control.
public RaiseCallbackEvent ( string eventArgument ) : void
eventArgument string /// A string that represents an event argument to pass to the event handler. ///
Résultat void

ResolveRegion() public static méthode

Resolves the region based on the browser language.
public static ResolveRegion ( ) : RegionInfo
Résultat RegionInfo