C# Class TUP.AsmResolver.ReadingProcessChangedEventArgs

Provides data for the TUP.AsmResolver.Win32Assembly.ReadingProcessChanged event.
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Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
ReadingProcessChangedEventArgs ( long totallength, int currentoffset, x86Instruction NewInstruction ) : System

Creates a new instance of the ReadingProcessChangedEventArgs containing information about the new instruction and offset.

Method Details

ReadingProcessChangedEventArgs() public méthode

Creates a new instance of the ReadingProcessChangedEventArgs containing information about the new instruction and offset.
public ReadingProcessChangedEventArgs ( long totallength, int currentoffset, x86Instruction NewInstruction ) : System
totallength long The total lenght of the bytes.
currentoffset int The current offset of the bytes.
NewInstruction TUP.AsmResolver.ASM.x86Instruction The new instruction that is read from the bytes.
Résultat System