C# Class SwfDotNet.IO.Tags.Types.FillStyle

FillStyle is the abstract class for the following classes: SolidFill, GradientFill and BitmapFill
Inheritance: SizeStruct, ISwfSerializer
Afficher le fichier Open project: bladecoding/SwfExport Class Usage Examples

Protected Properties

Свойство Type Description
bitmapId ushort
bitmapMatrix Matrix
fillStyleType byte
gradient GradientRecordCollection
gradientMatrix Matrix
rgbColor RGBColor

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
GetSizeOf ( ) : int

Gets the size of.

ReadData ( BufferedBinaryReader binaryReader, ShapeType shapeType ) : void

Reads the data.

Serialize ( XmlWriter writer ) : void

Serializes the specified writer.

WriteTo ( BufferedBinaryWriter writer ) : void

Writes to a binary writer.

Method Details

GetSizeOf() public méthode

Gets the size of.
public GetSizeOf ( ) : int
Résultat int

ReadData() public méthode

Reads the data.
public ReadData ( BufferedBinaryReader binaryReader, ShapeType shapeType ) : void
binaryReader SwfDotNet.IO.Utils.BufferedBinaryReader Binary reader.
shapeType ShapeType Shape type.
Résultat void

Serialize() public méthode

Serializes the specified writer.
public Serialize ( XmlWriter writer ) : void
writer System.Xml.XmlWriter Writer.
Résultat void

WriteTo() public méthode

Writes to a binary writer.
public WriteTo ( BufferedBinaryWriter writer ) : void
writer SwfDotNet.IO.Utils.BufferedBinaryWriter Writer.
Résultat void

Property Details

bitmapId protected_oe property

Bitmap fill bitmap Id
protected ushort bitmapId
Résultat ushort

bitmapMatrix protected_oe property

Bitmap fill transform matrix
protected Matrix bitmapMatrix
Résultat Matrix

fillStyleType protected_oe property

Fill Style type
protected byte fillStyleType
Résultat byte

gradient protected_oe property

protected GradientRecordCollection,SwfDotNet.IO.Tags.Types gradient
Résultat GradientRecordCollection

gradientMatrix protected_oe property

Gradient fill matrix
protected Matrix gradientMatrix
Résultat Matrix

rgbColor protected_oe property

Solid fill color
protected RGBColor,SwfDotNet.IO.Tags.Types rgbColor
Résultat RGBColor