C# Class Spring.Web.UI.Controls.DataBindingPanel

Inheritance: Panel
Afficher le fichier Open project: spring-projects/spring-net

Méthodes protégées

Méthode Description
AutoProbeBindingType ( Control wc ) : string

Probe for bindingType of know controls

AutoProbeSourceProperty ( Control wc ) : string

Probes for a few know controls and their properties.

OnInit ( EventArgs e ) : void

Registers this control for the UserControl.DataBindingsInitialized event of it's container.

OnPreRender ( EventArgs e ) : void

Overridden to remove custom binding attributes before rendering.

Render ( System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter writer ) : void

Overriden to suppress rendering this control's tag

Private Methods

Méthode Description
BindControl ( IWebDataBound dataBound, WebControl theControl ) : void

Retrieves custom binding attributes from a webcontrol and adds a new binding instance to the container's UserControl.BindingManager if necessary.

BindingOwner_DataBindingsInitialized ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Called by the containing UserControl if bindings must be initialized.

CreateBindingInstance ( string bindingTypeName, string bindingSource, string bindingTarget, Spring.DataBinding.BindingDirection bindingDirection, IFormatter bindingFormatter ) : IBinding
GetBindingContainerControl ( Control control ) : IWebDataBound
RegisterDataControl ( Control control, EventHandler initializeBindingHandler ) : void
RemoveBindingAttributes ( IWebDataBound dataBound, WebControl wc ) : void

Removes custom binding attributes from a webcontrol to avoid them being rendered.

TraverseControls ( IWebDataBound bindingContainer, System.Web.UI.ControlCollection controls, TraversalAction action ) : void

Adds all controls on this panel to the containing UserControl.BindingManager's binding collection.

Method Details

AutoProbeBindingType() protected méthode

Probe for bindingType of know controls
protected AutoProbeBindingType ( Control wc ) : string
wc System.Web.UI.Control the control, who's bindingType is to be determined
Résultat string

AutoProbeSourceProperty() protected méthode

Probes for a few know controls and their properties.
protected AutoProbeSourceProperty ( Control wc ) : string
wc System.Web.UI.Control
Résultat string

OnInit() protected méthode

Registers this control for the UserControl.DataBindingsInitialized event of it's container.
protected OnInit ( EventArgs e ) : void
e System.EventArgs
Résultat void

OnPreRender() protected méthode

Overridden to remove custom binding attributes before rendering.
protected OnPreRender ( EventArgs e ) : void
e System.EventArgs
Résultat void

Render() protected méthode

Overriden to suppress rendering this control's tag
protected Render ( System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter writer ) : void
writer System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter
Résultat void