C# Class Skinseller.Functions

Afficher le fichier Open project: Ezzpify/Skinseller

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
BitmapFromUrl ( string url ) : Bitmap

Return bitmap from Url

ExtractHtmlFragmentFromClipboardData ( string htmlDataString ) : string

Extracts html from a HtmlFragment

Fetch ( string url ) : string

Fetch html string from web url

GetStringBetween ( string source, string start, string end ) : string

Return one string inbetween two strings

MakeBitmap ( Bitmap ImageBG, Bitmap ImageItem, string ItemName, string ItemExterior, string ItemPrice, string ItemColor ) : Bitmap

Draws a new bitmap for the item

resizeImage ( Bitmap imgToResize, Size size ) : Bitmap

Returns resized image

Method Details

BitmapFromUrl() public méthode

Return bitmap from Url
public BitmapFromUrl ( string url ) : Bitmap
url string Image web url
Résultat System.Drawing.Bitmap

ExtractHtmlFragmentFromClipboardData() public méthode

Extracts html from a HtmlFragment
public ExtractHtmlFragmentFromClipboardData ( string htmlDataString ) : string
htmlDataString string Html string
Résultat string

Fetch() public méthode

Fetch html string from web url
public Fetch ( string url ) : string
url string Web url
Résultat string

GetStringBetween() public méthode

Return one string inbetween two strings
public GetStringBetween ( string source, string start, string end ) : string
source string Source string
start string Start string
end string End string
Résultat string

MakeBitmap() public méthode

Draws a new bitmap for the item
public MakeBitmap ( Bitmap ImageBG, Bitmap ImageItem, string ItemName, string ItemExterior, string ItemPrice, string ItemColor ) : Bitmap
ImageBG System.Drawing.Bitmap Background image for the new Image
ImageItem System.Drawing.Bitmap Item image
ItemName string Item name
ItemExterior string Item exterior (Field-tested etc)
ItemPrice string Item price (plus additional information such as currency €)
ItemColor string
Résultat System.Drawing.Bitmap

resizeImage() public méthode

Returns resized image
public resizeImage ( Bitmap imgToResize, Size size ) : Bitmap
imgToResize System.Drawing.Bitmap Image to resize
size System.Drawing.Size Size of new image
Résultat System.Drawing.Bitmap