C# Class Simpl.Serialization.Types.CompositeType

A class that represents a given composite type.
Inheritance: SimplType
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Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
CanBeCreatedFrom ( Type aType ) : bool

Determines if a simpl composite Type can be created for the given C# TYpe

CompositeType ( Type theType ) : System
SimplEquals ( object left, object right ) : bool

Méthodes protégées

Méthode Description
DeriveJavaTypeName ( ) : string
DeriveObjectiveCTypeName ( ) : string

Private Methods

Méthode Description
RecursiveSimplEquals ( object left, object right, List leftCompared, List rightCompared ) : bool
SimplEquals ( object left, object right, List leftCompared, List rightCompared ) : bool

Method Details

CanBeCreatedFrom() public static méthode

Determines if a simpl composite Type can be created for the given C# TYpe
public static CanBeCreatedFrom ( Type aType ) : bool
aType System.Type The type to consider
Résultat bool

CompositeType() public méthode

public CompositeType ( Type theType ) : System
theType System.Type
Résultat System

DeriveJavaTypeName() protected méthode

protected DeriveJavaTypeName ( ) : string
Résultat string

DeriveObjectiveCTypeName() protected méthode

protected DeriveObjectiveCTypeName ( ) : string
Résultat string

SimplEquals() public méthode

public SimplEquals ( object left, object right ) : bool
left object
right object
Résultat bool