C# Class Simpl.OODSS.Distributed.Server.ClientSessionManager.BaseSessionManager

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Protected Properties

Свойство Type Description
FrontEnd ServerProcessor
Handle SessionHandle
Initialized bool
LastActivity long
LocalScope Scope
TranslationScope Simpl.Serialization.SimplTypesScope

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
BaseSessionManager ( string sessionId, SimplTypesScope translationScope, Scope applicationObjectScope, ServerProcessor frontend ) : System
GetAddress ( ) : IPEndPoint
GetLastActivity ( ) : long

Appends the sender's IP address to the incoming message and calls performService on the given RequestMessage using the local ObjectRegistry. performService(RequestMessage) may be overridden by subclasses to provide more specialized functionality. Generally, overrides should then call super.performService(RequestMessage) so that the IP address is appended to the message.

Calls RequestMessage.performService(Scope) and returns the result.

Indicates the last System timestamp was when the ContextManager had any activity.

GetScope ( ) : Scope
GetSessionId ( ) : String
IsInitialized ( ) : bool

Indicates whether or not this context manager has been initialized. Normally, this means that it has shared a session id with the client.

IsInvalidating ( ) : System.Boolean
IsMessageWaiting ( ) : bool

Indicates whether there are any messages queued up to be processed. isMessageWaiting() should be overridden if getNextRequest() is overridden so that it properly reflects the way that getNextRequest() works; it may also be important to override enqueueRequest().

SendUpdateToClient ( UpdateMessage update, string receivingSessionId ) : void
SetInvalidating ( bool invalidating ) : void
Shutdown ( ) : void

Hook method for having shutdown behavior. This method is called whenever the server is closing down the connection to this client.

Private Methods

Méthode Description
GenerateContextScope ( Scope baseScope ) : Scope

Provides the context scope for the client attached to this session manager. The base implementation instantiates a new Scope with baseScope as the argument. Subclasses may provide specific subclasses of Scope as the return value. They must still incorporate baseScope as the lexically chained application object scope.

Method Details

BaseSessionManager() public méthode

public BaseSessionManager ( string sessionId, SimplTypesScope translationScope, Scope applicationObjectScope, ServerProcessor frontend ) : System
sessionId string
translationScope Simpl.Serialization.SimplTypesScope
applicationObjectScope Scope
frontend ServerProcessor
Résultat System

GetAddress() public abstract méthode

public abstract GetAddress ( ) : IPEndPoint
Résultat System.Net.IPEndPoint

GetLastActivity() public méthode

Appends the sender's IP address to the incoming message and calls performService on the given RequestMessage using the local ObjectRegistry. performService(RequestMessage) may be overridden by subclasses to provide more specialized functionality. Generally, overrides should then call super.performService(RequestMessage) so that the IP address is appended to the message. Calls RequestMessage.performService(Scope) and returns the result. Indicates the last System timestamp was when the ContextManager had any activity.
public GetLastActivity ( ) : long
Résultat long

GetScope() public méthode

public GetScope ( ) : Scope
Résultat Scope

GetSessionId() public méthode

public GetSessionId ( ) : String
Résultat String

IsInitialized() public méthode

Indicates whether or not this context manager has been initialized. Normally, this means that it has shared a session id with the client.
public IsInitialized ( ) : bool
Résultat bool

IsInvalidating() public méthode

public IsInvalidating ( ) : System.Boolean
Résultat System.Boolean

IsMessageWaiting() public méthode

Indicates whether there are any messages queued up to be processed. isMessageWaiting() should be overridden if getNextRequest() is overridden so that it properly reflects the way that getNextRequest() works; it may also be important to override enqueueRequest().
public IsMessageWaiting ( ) : bool
Résultat bool

SendUpdateToClient() public abstract méthode

public abstract SendUpdateToClient ( UpdateMessage update, string receivingSessionId ) : void
update Simpl.OODSS.Messages.UpdateMessage
receivingSessionId string
Résultat void

SetInvalidating() public méthode

public SetInvalidating ( bool invalidating ) : void
invalidating bool
Résultat void

Shutdown() public méthode

Hook method for having shutdown behavior. This method is called whenever the server is closing down the connection to this client.
public Shutdown ( ) : void
Résultat void

Property Details

FrontEnd protected_oe property

The frontend for the server that is running the ContextManager. This is needed in case the client attempts to restore a session, in which case the frontend must be queried for the old ContextManager.
protected ServerProcessor FrontEnd
Résultat ServerProcessor

Handle protected_oe property

Session handle available to use by clients
protected SessionHandle Handle
Résultat SessionHandle

Initialized protected_oe property

Indicates whether the first request message has been received. The first request may be an InitConnection, which has special properties.
protected bool Initialized
Résultat bool

LastActivity protected_oe property

protected long LastActivity
Résultat long

LocalScope protected_oe property

protected Scope LocalScope
Résultat Scope

TranslationScope protected_oe property

protected SimplTypesScope,Simpl.Serialization TranslationScope
Résultat Simpl.Serialization.SimplTypesScope