C# Class SharpArch.Web.Mvc.Castle.WindsorFilterAttributeProvider

Inheritance: System.Web.Mvc.FilterAttributeFilterProvider
Afficher le fichier Open project: sharparchitecture/Sharp-Architecture

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
GetFilters ( System.Web.Mvc.ControllerContext controllerContext, System.Web.Mvc.ActionDescriptor actionDescriptor ) : IEnumerable

Aggregates the filters from all of the filter providers into one collection.

WindsorFilterAttributeProvider ( [ container, [ typePropertyDescriptorCache ) : System

Create new instance.

Method Details

GetFilters() public méthode

Aggregates the filters from all of the filter providers into one collection.
public GetFilters ( System.Web.Mvc.ControllerContext controllerContext, System.Web.Mvc.ActionDescriptor actionDescriptor ) : IEnumerable
controllerContext System.Web.Mvc.ControllerContext The controller context.
actionDescriptor System.Web.Mvc.ActionDescriptor The action descriptor.
Résultat IEnumerable

WindsorFilterAttributeProvider() public méthode

Create new instance.
Container is null.
public WindsorFilterAttributeProvider ( [ container, [ typePropertyDescriptorCache ) : System
container [ Windsor container.
typePropertyDescriptorCache [
Résultat System