C# Class Serenity.SlickGrid

Afficher le fichier Open project: volkanceylan/Serenity Class Usage Examples

Private Properties

Свойство Type Description
GetViewport SlickRangeInfo

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
AddCellCssStyles ( string key, dynamic hash ) : void

Adds an "overlay" of CSS classes to cell DOM elements. SlickGrid can have many such overlays associated with different keys and they are frequently used by plugins. For example, SlickGrid uses this method internally to decorate selected cells with selectedCellCssClass (see options).

AutoSizeColumns ( ) : void

Proportionately resizes all columns to fill available horizontal space. This does not take the cell contents into consideration.

CanCellBeActive ( int row, int col ) : bool

Returns true if you can click on a given cell and make it the active focus.

CanCellBeSelected ( int row, int col ) : bool

Returns true if selecting the row causes this particular cell to have the selectedCellCssClass applied to it. A cell can be selected if it exists and if it isn't on an empty / "Add New" row and if it is not marked as "unselectable" in the column definition.

Destroy ( ) : void

Destroys the grid.

EditActiveCell ( Type editor ) : void

Attempts to switch the active cell into edit mode. Will throw an error if the cell is set to be not editable. Uses the specified editor, otherwise defaults to any default editor for that given cell.

FlashCell ( int row, int cell, int speed ) : void

Flashes the cell twice by toggling the CSS class 4 times.

GetActiveCell ( ) : SlickRowCell

Returns an object representing the coordinates of the currently active cell:

GetActiveCellNode ( ) : Element

Returns the DOM element containing the currently active cell. If no cell is active, null is returned.

GetActiveCellPosition ( ) : SlickPositionInfo

Returns an object representing information about the active cell's position. All coordinates are absolute and take into consideration the visibility and scrolling position of all ancestors.

GetCanvasNode ( ) : Element

Returns the DIV element matching class grid-canvas, which contains every data row currently being rendered in the DOM.

GetCellCssStyles ( string key ) : dynamic

Accepts a key name, returns the group of CSS styles defined under that name. See setCellCssStyles for more info.

GetCellEditor ( ) : object

Returns the active cell editor. If there is no actively edited cell, null is returned.

GetCellFromEvent ( jQueryApi.jQueryEvent e ) : SlickRowCell

Returns a hash containing row and cell indexes from a standard W3C/jQuery event.

GetCellFromPoint ( int x, int y ) : SlickRowCell

Returns a hash containing row and cell indexes. Coordinates are relative to the top left corner of the grid beginning with the first row (not including the column headers).

GetCellNode ( int row, int cell ) : Element

Returns a DOM element containing a cell at a given row and cell.

GetCellNodeBox ( int row, int cell ) : SlickPositionInfo

Returns an object representing information about a cell's position. All coordinates are absolute and take into consideration the visibility and scrolling position of all ancestors.

GetColumnIndex ( string id ) : int

Returns the index of a column with a given id. Since columns can be reordered by the user, this can be used to get the column definition independent of the order:

GetColumns ( ) : List

Returns an array of column definitions, containing the option settings for each individual column.

GetData ( ) : List

Returns an array of every data object, unless you're using DataView in which case it returns a DataView object.

GetDataItem ( int index ) : dynamic

Returns the databinding item at a given position.

GetDataLength ( ) : int

Returns the size of the databinding source.

GetGridPosition ( ) : SlickPositionInfo

Returns an object representing information about the grid's position on the page.

GetHeaderRow ( ) : Element

Returns the element of a DIV row beneath the actual column headers. For an example of how you might use this, see the header row quick filter example, which grabs the element, appends inputs, and delegates events to the inputs.

GetHeaderRowColumn ( string columnId ) : Element

If a header row is implemented and has one child for each column, as seen in the header row quick filter example, you may use this function to pass a columnId and get the individual cell from that header row. Returns a DIV element.

GetOptions ( ) : SlickGridOptions

Returns an object containing all of the Grid options set on the grid. See a list of Grid Options here.

GetRenderedRange ( int viewportTop, int viewportLeft ) : SlickRangeInfo

If passed no arguments, returns an object that tells you the range of rows (by row number) currently being rendered, as well as the left/right range of pixels currently rendered. { top: [rowIndex], bottom: [rowIndex], leftPx: [numPixels], rightPx: [numPixels] } The options viewportTop and viewportLeft are optional, and tell what what would be rendered at a certain scroll top/left offset. For example, grid.getRenderedRange(1000) would essentially be asking: "if I were to scroll 1000 pixels down, what rows would be rendered?"

GetSelectedRows ( ) : int[]

Returns an array of row indices corresponding to the currently selected rows.

GetSelectionModel ( ) : dynamic

Returns the current SelectionModel. See here for more information about SelectionModels.

GetSortColumns ( ) : Serenity.SlickColumnSort[]

Returns an array of objects representing columns that have a sort glyph in the header:

GetTopPanel ( ) : Element

Returns the DIV element of the top panel. The panel is hidden by default, but you can show it by initializing the grid with showTopPanel set to true, or by calling grid.setTopPanelVisibility(true).

GetViewport ( int viewportTop, int viewportLeft ) : SlickRangeInfo

Returns an object telling you which rows are currently being displayed on the screen, and also the pixel offsets for left/right scrolling. { top: [rowIndex], bottom: [rowIndex], leftPx: [numPixels], rightPx: [numPixels] } Also accepts viewportTop and viewportLeft offsets to tell you what would be shown to the user if you were to scroll to that point.

GoToCell ( int row, int cell, bool forceEdit ) : void

Accepts a row integer and a cell integer, scrolling the view to the row where row is its row index, and cell is its cell index. Optionally accepts a forceEdit boolean which, if true, will attempt to initiate the edit dialogue for the field in the specified cell. Unlike setActiveCell, this scrolls the row into the viewport and sets the keyboard focus.

Init ( ) : void

Initializes the grid. Called after plugins are registered. Normally, this is called by the constructor, so you don't need to call it. However, in certain cases you may need to delay the initialization until some other process has finished. In that case, set the explicitInitialization option to true and call the grid.init() manually.

Invalidate ( ) : void

Redraws the grid. Invalidates all rows and calls render().

InvalidateAllRows ( ) : void

Tells the grid that all rows in the table are invalid. (If render() is called after this, it will redraw the entire grid.)

InvalidateRow ( int row ) : void

Tells the grid that the row specified by row is invalid. (If render() is called after this, it will redraw the contents of that row.)

InvalidateRows ( int rows ) : void

Accepts an array of row indices, and tells the grid that those rows are invalid. (If render() is called after this, it will redraw the contents of those rows.)

NavigateDown ( ) : void

Switches the active cell one row down skipping unselectable cells. Returns a boolean saying whether it was able to complete or not.

NavigateLeft ( ) : void

Switches the active cell one cell left skipping unselectable cells. Unline navigatePrev, navigateLeft stops at the first cell of the row. Returns a boolean saying whether it was able to complete or not.

NavigateNext ( ) : void

Tabs over active cell to the next selectable cell. Returns a boolean saying whether it was able to complete or not.

NavigatePrev ( ) : void

Tabs over active cell to the previous selectable cell. Returns a boolean saying whether it was able to complete or not.

NavigateRight ( ) : void

Switches the active cell one cell right skipping unselectable cells. Unline navigateNext, navigateRight stops at the last cell of the row. Returns a boolean saying whether it was able to complete or not.

NavigateUp ( ) : void

Switches the active cell one row up skipping unselectable cells. Returns a boolean saying whether it was able to complete or not.

RegisterPlugin ( object plugin ) : void

Registers a plugin

RemoveCellCssStyles ( string key ) : void

Removes an "overlay" of CSS classes from cell DOM elements. See setCellCssStyles for more.

Render ( ) : void

Rerenders rows in the DOM.

ResetActiveCell ( ) : void

Resets active cell.

ResizeCanvas ( ) : void

Resizes the canvas to fit the current DIV container. (For example, to resize the grid, you would first change the size of the div, then call resizeCanvas().)

ScrollCellIntoView ( int row, int cell ) : void

Scrolls the indicated cell into view. Note that this does nothing unless the indicated column is already not in view. For example, if the grid is scrolled to the far left and you were looking at row 0, calling scrollCellIntoView(100,0) would not simply scroll you to row 100. But if column 8 were out of view and you called scrollCellIntoView(100,8), then it would scroll down and to the right.

ScrollRowIntoView ( int row, bool doPaging ) : void

Scrolls the view to the indicated row, placing the row at the top of the view.

ScrollRowToTop ( int row ) : void

Scrolls the view to the indicated row, placing the row at the top of the view.

SetActiveCell ( int row, int cell ) : void

Sets an active cell.

SetCellCssStyles ( string key, dynamic hash ) : void

Sets CSS classes to specific grid cells by calling removeCellCssStyles(key) followed by addCellCssStyles(key, hash). key is name for this set of styles so you can reference it later - to modify it or remove it, for example. hash is a per-row-index, per-column-name nested hash of CSS classes to apply. Suppose you have a grid with columns: ["login", "name", "birthday", "age", "likes_icecream", "favorite_cake"] ...and you'd like to highlight the "birthday" and "age" columns for people whose birthday is today, in this case, rows at index 0 and 9. (The first and tenth row in the grid). .highlight{ background: yellow } grid.setCellCssStyles("birthday_highlight", { 0: { birthday: "highlight", age: "highlight" }, 9: { birthday: "highlight", age: "highlight" } })

SetColumns ( List columns ) : void

Sets grid columns. Column headers will be recreated and all rendered rows will be removed. To rerender the grid (if necessary), call render().

SetData ( List data, bool scrollToTop ) : void

Sets a new source for databinding and removes all rendered rows. Note that this doesn't render the new rows - you can follow it with a call to render() to do that.

SetHeaderRowVisibility ( bool visible ) : void


SetOptions ( SlickGridOptions options ) : void
SetSelectedRows ( int rows ) : void
SetSelectionModel ( object model ) : dynamic

Sets the current SelectionModel. See here for more information about SelectionModels.

SetSortColumn ( string columnId, bool ascending ) : void

Accepts a columnId string and an ascending boolean. Applies a sort glyph in either ascending or descending form to the header of the column. Note that this does not actually sort the column. It only adds the sort glyph to the header.

SetSortColumns ( List cols ) : void

Accepts an array of objects in the form [ { columnId: [string], sortAsc: [boolean] }, ... ]. When called, this will apply a sort glyph in either ascending or descending form to the header of each column specified in the array. Note that this does not actually sort the column. It only adds the sort glyph to the header

SlickGrid ( jQueryObject container, List data, List columns, SlickGridOptions options ) : jQueryApi

Creates a new Slick.Grid

UpdateCell ( int row, int cell ) : void


UpdateColumnHeader ( string columnId, string title, string toolTip ) : void

Updates an existing column definition and a corresponding header DOM element with the new title and tooltip.

UpdateRow ( int row ) : void


UpdateRowCount ( ) : void


Private Methods

Méthode Description
GetViewport ( ) : SlickRangeInfo

Method Details

AddCellCssStyles() public méthode

Adds an "overlay" of CSS classes to cell DOM elements. SlickGrid can have many such overlays associated with different keys and they are frequently used by plugins. For example, SlickGrid uses this method internally to decorate selected cells with selectedCellCssClass (see options).
public AddCellCssStyles ( string key, dynamic hash ) : void
key string A unique key you can use in calls to setCellCssStyles and removeCellCssStyles. If a hash with that key has already been set, an exception will be thrown.
hash dynamic A hash of additional cell CSS classes keyed by row number and then by column id. Multiple CSS classes can be specified and separated by space. /// example: { 0: { "number_column": "cell-bold", "title_column": "cell-title cell-highlighted" }, 4: { "percent_column": "cell-highlighted" }}
Résultat void

AutoSizeColumns() public méthode

Proportionately resizes all columns to fill available horizontal space. This does not take the cell contents into consideration.
public AutoSizeColumns ( ) : void
Résultat void

CanCellBeActive() public méthode

Returns true if you can click on a given cell and make it the active focus.
public CanCellBeActive ( int row, int col ) : bool
row int A row index.
col int A column index.
Résultat bool

CanCellBeSelected() public méthode

Returns true if selecting the row causes this particular cell to have the selectedCellCssClass applied to it. A cell can be selected if it exists and if it isn't on an empty / "Add New" row and if it is not marked as "unselectable" in the column definition.
public CanCellBeSelected ( int row, int col ) : bool
row int A row index.
col int A column index.
Résultat bool

Destroy() public méthode

Destroys the grid.
public Destroy ( ) : void
Résultat void

EditActiveCell() public méthode

Attempts to switch the active cell into edit mode. Will throw an error if the cell is set to be not editable. Uses the specified editor, otherwise defaults to any default editor for that given cell.
public EditActiveCell ( Type editor ) : void
editor System.Type A SlickGrid editor (see examples in slick.editors.js).
Résultat void

FlashCell() public méthode

Flashes the cell twice by toggling the CSS class 4 times.
public FlashCell ( int row, int cell, int speed ) : void
row int A row index.
cell int A column index.
speed int (optional) - The milliseconds delay between the toggling calls. Defaults to 100 ms.
Résultat void

GetActiveCell() public méthode

Returns an object representing the coordinates of the currently active cell:
public GetActiveCell ( ) : SlickRowCell
Résultat SlickRowCell

GetActiveCellNode() public méthode

Returns the DOM element containing the currently active cell. If no cell is active, null is returned.
public GetActiveCellNode ( ) : Element
Résultat System.Html.Element

GetActiveCellPosition() public méthode

Returns an object representing information about the active cell's position. All coordinates are absolute and take into consideration the visibility and scrolling position of all ancestors.
public GetActiveCellPosition ( ) : SlickPositionInfo
Résultat SlickPositionInfo

GetCanvasNode() public méthode

Returns the DIV element matching class grid-canvas, which contains every data row currently being rendered in the DOM.
public GetCanvasNode ( ) : Element
Résultat System.Html.Element

GetCellCssStyles() public méthode

Accepts a key name, returns the group of CSS styles defined under that name. See setCellCssStyles for more info.
public GetCellCssStyles ( string key ) : dynamic
key string A string
Résultat dynamic

GetCellEditor() public méthode

Returns the active cell editor. If there is no actively edited cell, null is returned.
public GetCellEditor ( ) : object
Résultat object

GetCellFromEvent() public méthode

Returns a hash containing row and cell indexes from a standard W3C/jQuery event.
public GetCellFromEvent ( jQueryApi.jQueryEvent e ) : SlickRowCell
e jQueryApi.jQueryEvent A standard W3C/jQuery event.
Résultat SlickRowCell

GetCellFromPoint() public méthode

Returns a hash containing row and cell indexes. Coordinates are relative to the top left corner of the grid beginning with the first row (not including the column headers).
public GetCellFromPoint ( int x, int y ) : SlickRowCell
x int An x coordinate.
y int A y coordinate.
Résultat SlickRowCell

GetCellNode() public méthode

Returns a DOM element containing a cell at a given row and cell.
public GetCellNode ( int row, int cell ) : Element
row int A row index.
cell int A column index.
Résultat System.Html.Element

GetCellNodeBox() public méthode

Returns an object representing information about a cell's position. All coordinates are absolute and take into consideration the visibility and scrolling position of all ancestors.
public GetCellNodeBox ( int row, int cell ) : SlickPositionInfo
row int A row index.
cell int A column index.
Résultat SlickPositionInfo

GetColumnIndex() public méthode

Returns the index of a column with a given id. Since columns can be reordered by the user, this can be used to get the column definition independent of the order:
public GetColumnIndex ( string id ) : int
id string column id
Résultat int

GetColumns() public méthode

Returns an array of column definitions, containing the option settings for each individual column.
public GetColumns ( ) : List
Résultat List

GetData() public méthode

Returns an array of every data object, unless you're using DataView in which case it returns a DataView object.
public GetData ( ) : List
Résultat List

GetDataItem() public méthode

Returns the databinding item at a given position.
public GetDataItem ( int index ) : dynamic
index int index
Résultat dynamic

GetDataLength() public méthode

Returns the size of the databinding source.
public GetDataLength ( ) : int
Résultat int

GetGridPosition() public méthode

Returns an object representing information about the grid's position on the page.
public GetGridPosition ( ) : SlickPositionInfo
Résultat SlickPositionInfo

GetHeaderRow() public méthode

Returns the element of a DIV row beneath the actual column headers. For an example of how you might use this, see the header row quick filter example, which grabs the element, appends inputs, and delegates events to the inputs.
public GetHeaderRow ( ) : Element
Résultat System.Html.Element

GetHeaderRowColumn() public méthode

If a header row is implemented and has one child for each column, as seen in the header row quick filter example, you may use this function to pass a columnId and get the individual cell from that header row. Returns a DIV element.
public GetHeaderRowColumn ( string columnId ) : Element
columnId string The id string of a column.
Résultat System.Html.Element

GetOptions() public méthode

Returns an object containing all of the Grid options set on the grid. See a list of Grid Options here.
public GetOptions ( ) : SlickGridOptions
Résultat SlickGridOptions

GetRenderedRange() public méthode

If passed no arguments, returns an object that tells you the range of rows (by row number) currently being rendered, as well as the left/right range of pixels currently rendered. { top: [rowIndex], bottom: [rowIndex], leftPx: [numPixels], rightPx: [numPixels] } The options viewportTop and viewportLeft are optional, and tell what what would be rendered at a certain scroll top/left offset. For example, grid.getRenderedRange(1000) would essentially be asking: "if I were to scroll 1000 pixels down, what rows would be rendered?"
public GetRenderedRange ( int viewportTop, int viewportLeft ) : SlickRangeInfo
viewportTop int (optional) - The number of pixels offset from the top of the grid.
viewportLeft int (optional) - The number of pixels offset from the left of the grid.
Résultat SlickRangeInfo

GetSelectedRows() public méthode

Returns an array of row indices corresponding to the currently selected rows.
public GetSelectedRows ( ) : int[]
Résultat int[]

GetSelectionModel() public méthode

Returns the current SelectionModel. See here for more information about SelectionModels.
public GetSelectionModel ( ) : dynamic
Résultat dynamic

GetSortColumns() public méthode

Returns an array of objects representing columns that have a sort glyph in the header:
public GetSortColumns ( ) : Serenity.SlickColumnSort[]
Résultat Serenity.SlickColumnSort[]

GetTopPanel() public méthode

Returns the DIV element of the top panel. The panel is hidden by default, but you can show it by initializing the grid with showTopPanel set to true, or by calling grid.setTopPanelVisibility(true).
public GetTopPanel ( ) : Element
Résultat System.Html.Element

GetViewport() public méthode

Returns an object telling you which rows are currently being displayed on the screen, and also the pixel offsets for left/right scrolling. { top: [rowIndex], bottom: [rowIndex], leftPx: [numPixels], rightPx: [numPixels] } Also accepts viewportTop and viewportLeft offsets to tell you what would be shown to the user if you were to scroll to that point.
public GetViewport ( int viewportTop, int viewportLeft ) : SlickRangeInfo
viewportTop int (optional) - The number of pixels offset from the top of the grid.
viewportLeft int (optional) - The number of pixels offset from the left of the grid.
Résultat SlickRangeInfo

GoToCell() public méthode

Accepts a row integer and a cell integer, scrolling the view to the row where row is its row index, and cell is its cell index. Optionally accepts a forceEdit boolean which, if true, will attempt to initiate the edit dialogue for the field in the specified cell. Unlike setActiveCell, this scrolls the row into the viewport and sets the keyboard focus.
public GoToCell ( int row, int cell, bool forceEdit ) : void
row int A row index
cell int A column index
forceEdit bool force edit
Résultat void

Init() public méthode

Initializes the grid. Called after plugins are registered. Normally, this is called by the constructor, so you don't need to call it. However, in certain cases you may need to delay the initialization until some other process has finished. In that case, set the explicitInitialization option to true and call the grid.init() manually.
public Init ( ) : void
Résultat void

Invalidate() public méthode

Redraws the grid. Invalidates all rows and calls render().
public Invalidate ( ) : void
Résultat void

InvalidateAllRows() public méthode

Tells the grid that all rows in the table are invalid. (If render() is called after this, it will redraw the entire grid.)
public InvalidateAllRows ( ) : void
Résultat void

InvalidateRow() public méthode

Tells the grid that the row specified by row is invalid. (If render() is called after this, it will redraw the contents of that row.)
public InvalidateRow ( int row ) : void
row int A row index.
Résultat void

InvalidateRows() public méthode

Accepts an array of row indices, and tells the grid that those rows are invalid. (If render() is called after this, it will redraw the contents of those rows.)
public InvalidateRows ( int rows ) : void
rows int An array of row indices.
Résultat void

NavigateDown() public méthode

Switches the active cell one row down skipping unselectable cells. Returns a boolean saying whether it was able to complete or not.
public NavigateDown ( ) : void
Résultat void

NavigateLeft() public méthode

Switches the active cell one cell left skipping unselectable cells. Unline navigatePrev, navigateLeft stops at the first cell of the row. Returns a boolean saying whether it was able to complete or not.
public NavigateLeft ( ) : void
Résultat void

NavigateNext() public méthode

Tabs over active cell to the next selectable cell. Returns a boolean saying whether it was able to complete or not.
public NavigateNext ( ) : void
Résultat void

NavigatePrev() public méthode

Tabs over active cell to the previous selectable cell. Returns a boolean saying whether it was able to complete or not.
public NavigatePrev ( ) : void
Résultat void

NavigateRight() public méthode

Switches the active cell one cell right skipping unselectable cells. Unline navigateNext, navigateRight stops at the last cell of the row. Returns a boolean saying whether it was able to complete or not.
public NavigateRight ( ) : void
Résultat void

NavigateUp() public méthode

Switches the active cell one row up skipping unselectable cells. Returns a boolean saying whether it was able to complete or not.
public NavigateUp ( ) : void
Résultat void

RegisterPlugin() public méthode

Registers a plugin
public RegisterPlugin ( object plugin ) : void
plugin object An instance of plugin object to register.
Résultat void

RemoveCellCssStyles() public méthode

Removes an "overlay" of CSS classes from cell DOM elements. See setCellCssStyles for more.
public RemoveCellCssStyles ( string key ) : void
key string
Résultat void

Render() public méthode

Rerenders rows in the DOM.
public Render ( ) : void
Résultat void

ResetActiveCell() public méthode

Resets active cell.
public ResetActiveCell ( ) : void
Résultat void

ResizeCanvas() public méthode

Resizes the canvas to fit the current DIV container. (For example, to resize the grid, you would first change the size of the div, then call resizeCanvas().)
public ResizeCanvas ( ) : void
Résultat void

ScrollCellIntoView() public méthode

Scrolls the indicated cell into view. Note that this does nothing unless the indicated column is already not in view. For example, if the grid is scrolled to the far left and you were looking at row 0, calling scrollCellIntoView(100,0) would not simply scroll you to row 100. But if column 8 were out of view and you called scrollCellIntoView(100,8), then it would scroll down and to the right.
public ScrollCellIntoView ( int row, int cell ) : void
row int A row index.
cell int A column index.
Résultat void

ScrollRowIntoView() public méthode

Scrolls the view to the indicated row, placing the row at the top of the view.
public ScrollRowIntoView ( int row, bool doPaging ) : void
row int A row index.
doPaging bool A boolean. If false, the grid will scroll so the indicated row is at the top of the view. /// If true, the grid will scroll so the indicated row is at the bottom of the view. Defaults to false.
Résultat void

ScrollRowToTop() public méthode

Scrolls the view to the indicated row, placing the row at the top of the view.
public ScrollRowToTop ( int row ) : void
row int A row index.
Résultat void

SetActiveCell() public méthode

Sets an active cell.
public SetActiveCell ( int row, int cell ) : void
row int A row index.
cell int A column index.
Résultat void

SetCellCssStyles() public méthode

Sets CSS classes to specific grid cells by calling removeCellCssStyles(key) followed by addCellCssStyles(key, hash). key is name for this set of styles so you can reference it later - to modify it or remove it, for example. hash is a per-row-index, per-column-name nested hash of CSS classes to apply. Suppose you have a grid with columns: ["login", "name", "birthday", "age", "likes_icecream", "favorite_cake"] ...and you'd like to highlight the "birthday" and "age" columns for people whose birthday is today, in this case, rows at index 0 and 9. (The first and tenth row in the grid). .highlight{ background: yellow } grid.setCellCssStyles("birthday_highlight", { 0: { birthday: "highlight", age: "highlight" }, 9: { birthday: "highlight", age: "highlight" } })
public SetCellCssStyles ( string key, dynamic hash ) : void
key string A string key. Will overwrite any data already associated with this key.
hash dynamic A hash of additional cell CSS classes keyed by row number and then by column id. Multiple CSS classes can be specified and separated by space.
Résultat void

SetColumns() public méthode

Sets grid columns. Column headers will be recreated and all rendered rows will be removed. To rerender the grid (if necessary), call render().
public SetColumns ( List columns ) : void
columns List
Résultat void

SetData() public méthode

Sets a new source for databinding and removes all rendered rows. Note that this doesn't render the new rows - you can follow it with a call to render() to do that.
public SetData ( List data, bool scrollToTop ) : void
data List New databinding source. This can either be a regular JavaScript array or a custom object exposing getItem(index) and getLength() functions.
scrollToTop bool If true, the grid will reset the vertical scroll position to the top of the grid.
Résultat void

SetHeaderRowVisibility() public méthode

public SetHeaderRowVisibility ( bool visible ) : void
visible bool visible
Résultat void

SetOptions() public méthode

public SetOptions ( SlickGridOptions options ) : void
options SlickGridOptions
Résultat void

SetSelectedRows() public méthode

public SetSelectedRows ( int rows ) : void
rows int
Résultat void

SetSelectionModel() public méthode

Sets the current SelectionModel. See here for more information about SelectionModels.
public SetSelectionModel ( object model ) : dynamic
model object
Résultat dynamic

SetSortColumn() public méthode

Accepts a columnId string and an ascending boolean. Applies a sort glyph in either ascending or descending form to the header of the column. Note that this does not actually sort the column. It only adds the sort glyph to the header.
public SetSortColumn ( string columnId, bool ascending ) : void
columnId string column id
ascending bool true: ascending, false: descending
Résultat void

SetSortColumns() public méthode

Accepts an array of objects in the form [ { columnId: [string], sortAsc: [boolean] }, ... ]. When called, this will apply a sort glyph in either ascending or descending form to the header of each column specified in the array. Note that this does not actually sort the column. It only adds the sort glyph to the header
public SetSortColumns ( List cols ) : void
cols List
Résultat void

SlickGrid() public méthode

Creates a new Slick.Grid
public SlickGrid ( jQueryObject container, List data, List columns, SlickGridOptions options ) : jQueryApi
container jQueryObject Container node to create the grid in. This can be a DOM Element, a jQuery node, or a jQuery selector.
data List Databinding source. This can either be a regular JavaScript array or a custom object exposing getItem(index) and getLength() functions.
columns List An array of column definition objects. See Column Options for a list of options that can be included on each column definition object.
options SlickGridOptions Additional options. See Grid Options for a list of options that can be included.
Résultat jQueryApi

UpdateCell() public méthode

public UpdateCell ( int row, int cell ) : void
row int A row index.
cell int A cell index.
Résultat void

UpdateColumnHeader() public méthode

Updates an existing column definition and a corresponding header DOM element with the new title and tooltip.
public UpdateColumnHeader ( string columnId, string title, string toolTip ) : void
columnId string column id
title string title
toolTip string toolTip
Résultat void

UpdateRow() public méthode

public UpdateRow ( int row ) : void
row int A row index.
Résultat void

UpdateRowCount() public méthode

public UpdateRowCount ( ) : void
Résultat void