C# Class SWLOR.Game.Server.NWN._

Afficher le fichier Open project: zunath/SWLOR_NWN

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
AddToParty ( uint oPC, uint oPartyLeader ) : void

Add oPC to oPartyLeader's party. This will only work on two PCs. - oPC: player to add to a party - oPartyLeader: player already in the party

RemoveFromParty ( uint oPC ) : void

Remove oPC from their current party. This will only work on a PC. - oPC: removes this player from whatever party they're currently in.

SetPanelButtonFlash ( uint oPlayer, int nButton, int nEnableFlash ) : void

Make the corresponding panel button on the player's client start or stop flashing. - oPlayer - nButton: PANEL_BUTTON_* - nEnableFlash: if this is true nButton will start flashing. It if is false, nButton will stop flashing.

Method Details

AddToParty() public static méthode

Add oPC to oPartyLeader's party. This will only work on two PCs. - oPC: player to add to a party - oPartyLeader: player already in the party
public static AddToParty ( uint oPC, uint oPartyLeader ) : void
oPC uint
oPartyLeader uint
Résultat void

RemoveFromParty() public static méthode

Remove oPC from their current party. This will only work on a PC. - oPC: removes this player from whatever party they're currently in.
public static RemoveFromParty ( uint oPC ) : void
oPC uint
Résultat void

SetPanelButtonFlash() public static méthode

Make the corresponding panel button on the player's client start or stop flashing. - oPlayer - nButton: PANEL_BUTTON_* - nEnableFlash: if this is true nButton will start flashing. It if is false, nButton will stop flashing.
public static SetPanelButtonFlash ( uint oPlayer, int nButton, int nEnableFlash ) : void
oPlayer uint
nButton int
nEnableFlash int
Résultat void