C# Class SIL.FieldWorks.XWorks.RecordEditView

RecordEditView implements a RecordView (view showing one object at a time from a sequence) in which the single object is displayed using a DataTree configured using XDEs. It requires that the XML configuration node have the attribute 'templatePath' (in addition to 'field' as required by RecordView to specify the list of objects). This tells it where to start looking for XDEs. This path is relative to the FW root directory (DistFiles in a development system), e.g., "IText\XDEs". This version uses the DetailControls version of DataTree, and will eventually replace the original.
Inheritance: RecordView
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Protected Properties

Свойство Type Description
m_dataEntryForm SIL.FieldWorks.Common.Framework.DetailControls.DataTree
m_panel System.Windows.Forms.Panel
m_rootMode string

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
Init ( XCore.Mediator mediator, XmlNode configurationParameters ) : void

Initialize this as an IxCoreColleague

OnConsideringClosing ( object argument, CancelEventArgs args ) : bool
OnPrint ( object args ) : bool
OnRecordNavigation ( object argument ) : bool
PopulateCtrlTabTargetCandidateList ( List targetCandidates ) : Control
PrepareToGoAway ( ) : bool

From IxCoreContentControl

PropChanged ( int hvo, int tag, int ivMin, int cvIns, int cvDel ) : void

Méthodes protégées

Méthode Description
Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void

Clean up any resources being used.

GetMessageAdditionalTargets ( List collector ) : void

subclasses should override if they have more targets

PrepCacheForNewRecord ( ) : void

Base method saves any time you switch between records.

ReadParameters ( ) : void

Read in the parameters to determine which collection we are editing.

RecordEditView ( DataTree dataEntryForm ) : System
SetInfoBarText ( ) : void
SetupDataContext ( ) : void
ShowRecord ( ) : void

Shows the record.

ShowRecord ( RecordNavigationInfo rni ) : void

Schedules the record to be shown when the application is idle.

Private Methods

Méthode Description
CreateDocView ( XmlNode parentConfigNode ) : XmlDocView
FindToolInXMLConfig ( string docToolValue ) : XmlNode
GetToolInnerControlNodeWithRightLayout ( XmlNode docViewConfig ) : XmlNode
InitializeComponent ( ) : void

Required method for Designer support - do not modify the contents of this method with the code editor.

RecordEditView ( ) : System
SetupSliceFilter ( ) : void

a slice filter is used to hide some slices.

this will set up a filter even if you do not specify a filter path, since some filtering is done by the FDO classes (CmObject.IsFieldRelevant)

ShouldSuppressFocusChange ( RecordNavigationInfo rni ) : bool

If this is not the focused pane in a multipane suppress, or if the navigation info requested a suppression of the focus change then return true (suppress)

ShowRecordOnIdle ( object parameter ) : bool

Shows the record on idle. This is where the record is actually shown.

m_dataEntryForm_CurrentSliceChanged ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Method Details

Dispose() protected méthode

Clean up any resources being used.
protected Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void
disposing bool true to release both managed and unmanaged /// resources; false to release only unmanaged resources. ///
Résultat void

GetMessageAdditionalTargets() protected méthode

subclasses should override if they have more targets
protected GetMessageAdditionalTargets ( List collector ) : void
collector List
Résultat void

Init() public méthode

Initialize this as an IxCoreColleague
public Init ( XCore.Mediator mediator, XmlNode configurationParameters ) : void
mediator XCore.Mediator
configurationParameters System.Xml.XmlNode
Résultat void

OnConsideringClosing() public méthode

public OnConsideringClosing ( object argument, CancelEventArgs args ) : bool
argument object
args CancelEventArgs
Résultat bool

OnPrint() public méthode

public OnPrint ( object args ) : bool
args object
Résultat bool

OnRecordNavigation() public méthode

public OnRecordNavigation ( object argument ) : bool
argument object
Résultat bool

PopulateCtrlTabTargetCandidateList() public méthode

public PopulateCtrlTabTargetCandidateList ( List targetCandidates ) : Control
targetCandidates List
Résultat System.Windows.Forms.Control

PrepCacheForNewRecord() protected méthode

Base method saves any time you switch between records.
protected PrepCacheForNewRecord ( ) : void
Résultat void

PrepareToGoAway() public méthode

From IxCoreContentControl
public PrepareToGoAway ( ) : bool
Résultat bool

PropChanged() public méthode

public PropChanged ( int hvo, int tag, int ivMin, int cvIns, int cvDel ) : void
hvo int
tag int
ivMin int
cvIns int
cvDel int
Résultat void

ReadParameters() protected méthode

Read in the parameters to determine which collection we are editing.
protected ReadParameters ( ) : void
Résultat void

RecordEditView() protected méthode

protected RecordEditView ( DataTree dataEntryForm ) : System
dataEntryForm SIL.FieldWorks.Common.Framework.DetailControls.DataTree
Résultat System

SetInfoBarText() protected méthode

protected SetInfoBarText ( ) : void
Résultat void

SetupDataContext() protected méthode

protected SetupDataContext ( ) : void
Résultat void

ShowRecord() protected méthode

Shows the record.
protected ShowRecord ( ) : void
Résultat void

ShowRecord() protected méthode

Schedules the record to be shown when the application is idle.
protected ShowRecord ( RecordNavigationInfo rni ) : void
rni RecordNavigationInfo The record navigation info.
Résultat void

Property Details

m_dataEntryForm protected_oe property

protected DataTree,SIL.FieldWorks.Common.Framework.DetailControls m_dataEntryForm
Résultat SIL.FieldWorks.Common.Framework.DetailControls.DataTree

m_panel protected_oe property

protected Panel,System.Windows.Forms m_panel
Résultat System.Windows.Forms.Panel

m_rootMode protected_oe property

Mode string for DataTree to use at top level.
protected string m_rootMode
Résultat string