C# Class SIL.FieldWorks.XWorks.MockSelection

This class mocks the (unfortunately huge) IVwSelection. Only the first couple of methods are actually used by MacroListener, others are left unimplemented. Enhance JohnT: this would be better done with some sort of dynamic mock, so that changes to parts of the interface we don't care about won't have to be made here. But we haven't settled on a mock framework for FLEx.
Inheritance: IVwSelection
Afficher le fichier Open project: sillsdev/FieldWorks Class Usage Examples

Méthodes publiques

Свойство Type Description
AnchorHvo int
AnchorIch int
AnchorTag int
AnchorWs int
EndHvo int
EndIch int
EndTag int
EndWs int
TypeToReturn VwSelType

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
AllSelEndInfo ( bool fEndPoint, int &_ihvoRoot, int cvlsi, SIL.FieldWorks.Common.COMInterfaces.ArrayPtr _rgvsli, int &_tagTextProp, int &_cpropPrevious, int &_ich, int &_ws, bool &_fAssocPrev, ITsTextProps &_pttp ) : void
AllTextSelInfo ( int &_ihvoRoot, int cvlsi, SIL.FieldWorks.Common.COMInterfaces.ArrayPtr _rgvsli, int &_tagTextProp, int &_cpropPrevious, int &_ichAnchor, int &_ichEnd, int &_ws, bool &_fAssocPrev, int &_ihvoEnd, ITsTextProps &_pttp ) : void
CLevels ( bool fEndPoint ) : int
CompleteEdits ( VwChangeInfo &_ci ) : bool
EndPoint ( bool fEndPoint ) : IVwSelection
ExtendToStringBoundaries ( ) : void
GetFirstParaString ( ITsString &_ptss, string bstrSep, bool &_fGotItAll ) : void
GetHardAndSoftCharProps ( int cttpMax, SIL.FieldWorks.Common.COMInterfaces.ArrayPtr _rgpttpSel, SIL.FieldWorks.Common.COMInterfaces.ArrayPtr _rgpvpsSoft, int &_cttp ) : void
GetHardAndSoftParaProps ( int cttpMax, ITsTextProps _rgpttpPara, SIL.FieldWorks.Common.COMInterfaces.ArrayPtr _rgpttpHard, SIL.FieldWorks.Common.COMInterfaces.ArrayPtr _rgpvpsSoft, int &_cttp ) : void
GetParaLocation ( Rect &_rdLoc ) : void
GetParaProps ( int cttpMax, SIL.FieldWorks.Common.COMInterfaces.ArrayPtr _rgpvps, int &_cttp ) : void
GetSelectionProps ( int cttpMax, SIL.FieldWorks.Common.COMInterfaces.ArrayPtr _rgpttp, SIL.FieldWorks.Common.COMInterfaces.ArrayPtr _rgpvps, int &_cttp ) : void
GetSelectionString ( ITsString &_ptss, string bstrSep ) : void
GrowToWord ( ) : IVwSelection
Install ( ) : void
Location ( IVwGraphics _vg, Rect rcSrc, Rect rcDst, Rect &_rdPrimary, Rect &_rdSecondary, bool &_fSplit, bool &_fEndBeforeAnchor ) : void
PropInfo ( bool fEndPoint, int ilev, int &_hvoObj, int &_tag, int &_ihvo, int &_cpropPrevious, IVwPropertyStore &_pvps ) : void
ReplaceWithTsString ( ITsString _tss ) : void
SetIPLocation ( bool fTopLine, int xdPos ) : void
SetSelectionProps ( int cttp, ITsTextProps _rgpttp ) : void
SetTypingProps ( ITsTextProps _ttp ) : void
TextSelInfo ( bool fEndPoint, ITsString &ptss, int &ich, bool &fAssocPrev, int &hvoObj, int &tag, int &ws ) : void
get_BoxCount ( bool fEndPoint, int iLevel ) : int
get_BoxDepth ( bool fEndPoint ) : int
get_BoxIndex ( bool fEndPoint, int iLevel ) : int
get_BoxType ( bool fEndPoint, int iLevel ) : VwBoxType
get_Follows ( IVwSelection _sel ) : bool
get_ParagraphOffset ( bool fEndPoint ) : int

Method Details

AllSelEndInfo() public méthode

public AllSelEndInfo ( bool fEndPoint, int &_ihvoRoot, int cvlsi, SIL.FieldWorks.Common.COMInterfaces.ArrayPtr _rgvsli, int &_tagTextProp, int &_cpropPrevious, int &_ich, int &_ws, bool &_fAssocPrev, ITsTextProps &_pttp ) : void
fEndPoint bool
_ihvoRoot int
cvlsi int
_rgvsli SIL.FieldWorks.Common.COMInterfaces.ArrayPtr
_tagTextProp int
_cpropPrevious int
_ich int
_ws int
_fAssocPrev bool
_pttp ITsTextProps
Résultat void

AllTextSelInfo() public méthode

public AllTextSelInfo ( int &_ihvoRoot, int cvlsi, SIL.FieldWorks.Common.COMInterfaces.ArrayPtr _rgvsli, int &_tagTextProp, int &_cpropPrevious, int &_ichAnchor, int &_ichEnd, int &_ws, bool &_fAssocPrev, int &_ihvoEnd, ITsTextProps &_pttp ) : void
_ihvoRoot int
cvlsi int
_rgvsli SIL.FieldWorks.Common.COMInterfaces.ArrayPtr
_tagTextProp int
_cpropPrevious int
_ichAnchor int
_ichEnd int
_ws int
_fAssocPrev bool
_ihvoEnd int
_pttp ITsTextProps
Résultat void

CLevels() public méthode

public CLevels ( bool fEndPoint ) : int
fEndPoint bool
Résultat int

CompleteEdits() public méthode

public CompleteEdits ( VwChangeInfo &_ci ) : bool
_ci VwChangeInfo
Résultat bool

EndPoint() public méthode

public EndPoint ( bool fEndPoint ) : IVwSelection
fEndPoint bool
Résultat IVwSelection

ExtendToStringBoundaries() public méthode

public ExtendToStringBoundaries ( ) : void
Résultat void

GetFirstParaString() public méthode

public GetFirstParaString ( ITsString &_ptss, string bstrSep, bool &_fGotItAll ) : void
_ptss ITsString
bstrSep string
_fGotItAll bool
Résultat void

GetHardAndSoftCharProps() public méthode

public GetHardAndSoftCharProps ( int cttpMax, SIL.FieldWorks.Common.COMInterfaces.ArrayPtr _rgpttpSel, SIL.FieldWorks.Common.COMInterfaces.ArrayPtr _rgpvpsSoft, int &_cttp ) : void
cttpMax int
_rgpttpSel SIL.FieldWorks.Common.COMInterfaces.ArrayPtr
_rgpvpsSoft SIL.FieldWorks.Common.COMInterfaces.ArrayPtr
_cttp int
Résultat void

GetHardAndSoftParaProps() public méthode

public GetHardAndSoftParaProps ( int cttpMax, ITsTextProps _rgpttpPara, SIL.FieldWorks.Common.COMInterfaces.ArrayPtr _rgpttpHard, SIL.FieldWorks.Common.COMInterfaces.ArrayPtr _rgpvpsSoft, int &_cttp ) : void
cttpMax int
_rgpttpPara ITsTextProps
_rgpttpHard SIL.FieldWorks.Common.COMInterfaces.ArrayPtr
_rgpvpsSoft SIL.FieldWorks.Common.COMInterfaces.ArrayPtr
_cttp int
Résultat void

GetParaLocation() public méthode

public GetParaLocation ( Rect &_rdLoc ) : void
_rdLoc SIL.Utils.Rect
Résultat void

GetParaProps() public méthode

public GetParaProps ( int cttpMax, SIL.FieldWorks.Common.COMInterfaces.ArrayPtr _rgpvps, int &_cttp ) : void
cttpMax int
_rgpvps SIL.FieldWorks.Common.COMInterfaces.ArrayPtr
_cttp int
Résultat void

GetSelectionProps() public méthode

public GetSelectionProps ( int cttpMax, SIL.FieldWorks.Common.COMInterfaces.ArrayPtr _rgpttp, SIL.FieldWorks.Common.COMInterfaces.ArrayPtr _rgpvps, int &_cttp ) : void
cttpMax int
_rgpttp SIL.FieldWorks.Common.COMInterfaces.ArrayPtr
_rgpvps SIL.FieldWorks.Common.COMInterfaces.ArrayPtr
_cttp int
Résultat void

GetSelectionString() public méthode

public GetSelectionString ( ITsString &_ptss, string bstrSep ) : void
_ptss ITsString
bstrSep string
Résultat void

GrowToWord() public méthode

public GrowToWord ( ) : IVwSelection
Résultat IVwSelection

Install() public méthode

public Install ( ) : void
Résultat void

Location() public méthode

public Location ( IVwGraphics _vg, Rect rcSrc, Rect rcDst, Rect &_rdPrimary, Rect &_rdSecondary, bool &_fSplit, bool &_fEndBeforeAnchor ) : void
_vg IVwGraphics
rcSrc SIL.Utils.Rect
rcDst SIL.Utils.Rect
_rdPrimary SIL.Utils.Rect
_rdSecondary SIL.Utils.Rect
_fSplit bool
_fEndBeforeAnchor bool
Résultat void

PropInfo() public méthode

public PropInfo ( bool fEndPoint, int ilev, int &_hvoObj, int &_tag, int &_ihvo, int &_cpropPrevious, IVwPropertyStore &_pvps ) : void
fEndPoint bool
ilev int
_hvoObj int
_tag int
_ihvo int
_cpropPrevious int
_pvps IVwPropertyStore
Résultat void

ReplaceWithTsString() public méthode

public ReplaceWithTsString ( ITsString _tss ) : void
_tss ITsString
Résultat void

SetIPLocation() public méthode

public SetIPLocation ( bool fTopLine, int xdPos ) : void
fTopLine bool
xdPos int
Résultat void

SetSelectionProps() public méthode

public SetSelectionProps ( int cttp, ITsTextProps _rgpttp ) : void
cttp int
_rgpttp ITsTextProps
Résultat void

SetTypingProps() public méthode

public SetTypingProps ( ITsTextProps _ttp ) : void
_ttp ITsTextProps
Résultat void

TextSelInfo() public méthode

public TextSelInfo ( bool fEndPoint, ITsString &ptss, int &ich, bool &fAssocPrev, int &hvoObj, int &tag, int &ws ) : void
fEndPoint bool
ptss ITsString
ich int
fAssocPrev bool
hvoObj int
tag int
ws int
Résultat void

get_BoxCount() public méthode

public get_BoxCount ( bool fEndPoint, int iLevel ) : int
fEndPoint bool
iLevel int
Résultat int

get_BoxDepth() public méthode

public get_BoxDepth ( bool fEndPoint ) : int
fEndPoint bool
Résultat int

get_BoxIndex() public méthode

public get_BoxIndex ( bool fEndPoint, int iLevel ) : int
fEndPoint bool
iLevel int
Résultat int

get_BoxType() public méthode

public get_BoxType ( bool fEndPoint, int iLevel ) : VwBoxType
fEndPoint bool
iLevel int
Résultat VwBoxType

get_Follows() public méthode

public get_Follows ( IVwSelection _sel ) : bool
_sel IVwSelection
Résultat bool

get_ParagraphOffset() public méthode

public get_ParagraphOffset ( bool fEndPoint ) : int
fEndPoint bool
Résultat int

Property Details

AnchorHvo public_oe property

public int AnchorHvo
Résultat int

AnchorIch public_oe property

public int AnchorIch
Résultat int

AnchorTag public_oe property

public int AnchorTag
Résultat int

AnchorWs public_oe property

public int AnchorWs
Résultat int

EndHvo public_oe property

public int EndHvo
Résultat int

EndIch public_oe property

public int EndIch
Résultat int

EndTag public_oe property

public int EndTag
Résultat int

EndWs public_oe property

public int EndWs
Résultat int

TypeToReturn public_oe property

public VwSelType TypeToReturn
Résultat VwSelType