C# Class SFML.Graphics.Glsl.Vec4

Afficher le fichier Open project: SFML/SFML.Net Class Usage Examples

Méthodes publiques

Свойство Type Description
W float
X float
Y float
Z float

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
Vec4 ( Color color ) : System.Runtime.InteropServices

Construct the Vec4 from a Color

The Color's values will be normalized from 0..255 to 0..1

Vec4 ( float x, float y, float z, float w ) : System.Runtime.InteropServices

Construct the Vec4 from its coordinates

Method Details

Vec4() public méthode

Construct the Vec4 from a Color
The Color's values will be normalized from 0..255 to 0..1
public Vec4 ( Color color ) : System.Runtime.InteropServices
color Color A SFML to be translated to a 4D floating-point vector
Résultat System.Runtime.InteropServices

Vec4() public méthode

Construct the Vec4 from its coordinates
public Vec4 ( float x, float y, float z, float w ) : System.Runtime.InteropServices
x float X coordinate
y float Y coordinate
z float Z coordinate
w float W coordinate
Résultat System.Runtime.InteropServices

Property Details

W public_oe property

Projective/Homogenous component of the vector
public float W
Résultat float

X public_oe property

Horizontal component of the vector
public float X
Résultat float

Y public_oe property

Vertical component of the vector
public float Y
Résultat float

Z public_oe property

Depth component of the vector
public float Z
Résultat float