C# Class Rock.Model.DefinedTypeService

Service/Data Access class for Rock.Model.DefinedType entity objects.
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Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
GetByFieldTypeId ( int fieldTypeId ) : IOrderedQueryable

Returns an enumerable collection of DefinedTypes by FieldTypeId

GetByGuid ( System.Guid guid ) : Rock.Model.DefinedType

Returns a Rock.Model.DefinedType by GUID identifier.

GetGuid ( int id ) : Guid?

Gets the Guid for the DefinedType that has the specified Id

Method Details

GetByFieldTypeId() public méthode

Returns an enumerable collection of DefinedTypes by FieldTypeId
public GetByFieldTypeId ( int fieldTypeId ) : IOrderedQueryable
fieldTypeId int A representing the FieldTypeId of the that is used for the /// ///
Résultat IOrderedQueryable

GetByGuid() public méthode

Returns a Rock.Model.DefinedType by GUID identifier.
public GetByGuid ( System.Guid guid ) : Rock.Model.DefinedType
guid System.Guid A representing the Guid identifier of the to retrieve.
Résultat Rock.Model.DefinedType

GetGuid() public méthode

Gets the Guid for the DefinedType that has the specified Id
public GetGuid ( int id ) : Guid?
id int The identifier.
Résultat Guid?