C# Class Raspberry.IO.Components.Displays.Hd44780.Hd44780LcdConnection

Based on https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit-Raspberry-Pi-Python-Code/blob/master/Adafruit_CharLCD/Adafruit_CharLCD.py and http://lcd-linux.sourceforge.net/pdfdocs/hd44780.pdf and http://www.quinapalus.com/hd44780udg.html and http://robo.fe.uni-lj.si/~kamnikr/sola/urac/vaja3_display/How%20to%20control%20HD44780%20display.pdf and http://web.stanford.edu/class/ee281/handouts/lcd_tutorial.pdf and http://www.systronix.com/access/Systronix_20x4_lcd_brief_data.pdf
Inheritance: IDisposable
Afficher le fichier Open project: raspberry-sharp/raspberry-sharp-io Class Usage Examples

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
Clear ( ) : void

Clears the display.

Close ( ) : void

Closes this instance.

Hd44780LcdConnection ( Raspberry.IO.Components.Displays.Hd44780.Hd44780LcdConnectionSettings settings, Raspberry.IO.Components.Displays.Hd44780.Hd44780Pins pins ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the Hd44780LcdConnection class.

Hd44780LcdConnection ( IOutputBinaryPin registerSelectPin, IOutputBinaryPin clockPin ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the Hd44780LcdConnection class.

Hd44780LcdConnection ( IOutputBinaryPin registerSelectPin, IOutputBinaryPin clockPin, IEnumerable dataPins ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the Hd44780LcdConnection class.

Home ( ) : void

Set cursor to top left corner.

Move ( int offset ) : void

Moves the cursor of the specified offset.

SetCursorPosition ( Hd44780Position position ) : void

Moves the cursor to the specified row and column

SetCustomCharacter ( byte character, byte pattern ) : void

Sets the custom character.

Write ( object value, System.TimeSpan animationDelay = newTimeSpan() ) : void

Writes the specified value.

Write ( string format ) : void

Writes the specified format.

Write ( string format, System.TimeSpan animationDelay ) : void

Writes the specified format.

WriteLine ( object value, System.TimeSpan animationDelay = newTimeSpan() ) : void

Writes the line.

WriteLine ( string format ) : void

Writes the line.

WriteLine ( string text, System.TimeSpan animationDelay = newTimeSpan() ) : void

Writes the line.

Private Methods

Méthode Description
GetLcdAddressLocation ( int row ) : int

Returns the Lcd Address for the given row


IDisposable ( ) : void
Set5x10CustomCharacter ( byte character, byte pattern ) : void
Set5x8CustomCharacter ( byte character, byte pattern ) : void
Synchronize ( ) : void
WriteByte ( int bits, bool charMode ) : void
WriteByte4Pins ( int bits, bool charMode ) : void
WriteCommand ( Command command, int parameter ) : void

Method Details

Clear() public méthode

Clears the display.
public Clear ( ) : void
Résultat void

Close() public méthode

Closes this instance.
public Close ( ) : void
Résultat void

Hd44780LcdConnection() public méthode

Initializes a new instance of the Hd44780LcdConnection class.
/// dataPins;There must be either 4 or 8 data pins /// or /// settings;ScreenHeight must be between 1 and 4 rows /// or /// settings;PatternWidth must be 5 pixels /// or /// settings;PatternWidth must be either 7 or 10 pixels height /// /// At most 80 characters are allowed /// or /// 10 pixels height pattern cannot be used with 2 rows ///
public Hd44780LcdConnection ( Raspberry.IO.Components.Displays.Hd44780.Hd44780LcdConnectionSettings settings, Raspberry.IO.Components.Displays.Hd44780.Hd44780Pins pins ) : System
settings Raspberry.IO.Components.Displays.Hd44780.Hd44780LcdConnectionSettings The settings.
pins Raspberry.IO.Components.Displays.Hd44780.Hd44780Pins The pins.
Résultat System

Hd44780LcdConnection() public méthode

Initializes a new instance of the Hd44780LcdConnection class.
public Hd44780LcdConnection ( IOutputBinaryPin registerSelectPin, IOutputBinaryPin clockPin ) : System
registerSelectPin IOutputBinaryPin The register select pin.
clockPin IOutputBinaryPin The clock pin.
Résultat System

Hd44780LcdConnection() public méthode

Initializes a new instance of the Hd44780LcdConnection class.
public Hd44780LcdConnection ( IOutputBinaryPin registerSelectPin, IOutputBinaryPin clockPin, IEnumerable dataPins ) : System
registerSelectPin IOutputBinaryPin The register select pin.
clockPin IOutputBinaryPin The clock pin.
dataPins IEnumerable The data pins.
Résultat System

Home() public méthode

Set cursor to top left corner.
public Home ( ) : void
Résultat void

Move() public méthode

Moves the cursor of the specified offset.
public Move ( int offset ) : void
offset int The offset.
Résultat void

SetCursorPosition() public méthode

Moves the cursor to the specified row and column
public SetCursorPosition ( Hd44780Position position ) : void
position Hd44780Position The position.
Résultat void

SetCustomCharacter() public méthode

Sets the custom character.
public SetCustomCharacter ( byte character, byte pattern ) : void
character byte The character.
pattern byte The pattern.
Résultat void

Write() public méthode

Writes the specified value.
public Write ( object value, System.TimeSpan animationDelay = newTimeSpan() ) : void
value object The value.
animationDelay System.TimeSpan The animation delay.
Résultat void

Write() public méthode

Writes the specified format.
public Write ( string format ) : void
format string The format.
Résultat void

Write() public méthode

Writes the specified format.
public Write ( string format, System.TimeSpan animationDelay ) : void
format string The format.
animationDelay System.TimeSpan The animation delay.
Résultat void

WriteLine() public méthode

Writes the line.
public WriteLine ( object value, System.TimeSpan animationDelay = newTimeSpan() ) : void
value object The value.
animationDelay System.TimeSpan The animation delay.
Résultat void

WriteLine() public méthode

Writes the line.
public WriteLine ( string format ) : void
format string The format.
Résultat void

WriteLine() public méthode

Writes the line.
public WriteLine ( string text, System.TimeSpan animationDelay = newTimeSpan() ) : void
text string The text.
animationDelay System.TimeSpan The animation delay.
Résultat void