C# Class Rakudo.Metamodel.Representation

All representations should implement this API.
Afficher le fichier Open project: jnthn/6model Class Usage Examples

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
bind_attribute ( ThreadContext TC, RakudoObject Object, RakudoObject ClassHandle, string Name, RakudoObject Value ) : void

Binds the given value to the specified attribute.

bind_attribute_with_hint ( ThreadContext TC, RakudoObject Object, RakudoObject ClassHandle, string Name, int Hint, RakudoObject Value ) : void

Binds the given value to the specified attribute, using the given hint.

defined ( ThreadContext TC, RakudoObject Obj ) : bool

Checks if a given object is defined.

get_attribute ( ThreadContext TC, RakudoObject Object, RakudoObject ClassHandle, string Name ) : RakudoObject

Gets the current value for an attribute.

get_attribute_with_hint ( ThreadContext TC, RakudoObject Object, RakudoObject ClassHandle, string Name, int Hint ) : RakudoObject

Gets the current value for an attribute, obtained using the given hint.

get_int ( ThreadContext TC, RakudoObject Object ) : int

Used with boxing. Gets an integer value, for representations that can hold one.

get_num ( ThreadContext TC, RakudoObject Object ) : double

Used with boxing. Gets a floating point value, for representations that can hold one.

get_str ( ThreadContext TC, RakudoObject Object ) : string

Used with boxing. Gets a string value, for representations that can hold one.

hint_for ( ThreadContext TC, RakudoObject ClassHandle, string Name ) : int

Gets the hint for the given attribute ID.

instance_of ( ThreadContext TC, RakudoObject WHAT ) : RakudoObject

Creates a new instance based on the type object.

set_int ( ThreadContext TC, RakudoObject Object, int Value ) : void

Used with boxing. Sets an integer value, for representations that can hold one.

set_num ( ThreadContext TC, RakudoObject Object, double Value ) : void

Used with boxing. Sets a floating point value, for representations that can hold one.

set_str ( ThreadContext TC, RakudoObject Object, string Value ) : void

Used with boxing. Sets a string value, for representations that can hold one.

type_object_for ( ThreadContext TC, RakudoObject HOW ) : RakudoObject

Creates a new type object of this representation, and associates it with the given HOW. Also sets up a new representation instance if needed.

Method Details

bind_attribute() public abstract méthode

Binds the given value to the specified attribute.
public abstract bind_attribute ( ThreadContext TC, RakudoObject Object, RakudoObject ClassHandle, string Name, RakudoObject Value ) : void
TC Rakudo.Runtime.ThreadContext
Object RakudoObject
ClassHandle RakudoObject
Name string
Value RakudoObject
Résultat void

bind_attribute_with_hint() public abstract méthode

Binds the given value to the specified attribute, using the given hint.
public abstract bind_attribute_with_hint ( ThreadContext TC, RakudoObject Object, RakudoObject ClassHandle, string Name, int Hint, RakudoObject Value ) : void
TC Rakudo.Runtime.ThreadContext
Object RakudoObject
ClassHandle RakudoObject
Name string
Hint int
Value RakudoObject
Résultat void

defined() public abstract méthode

Checks if a given object is defined.
public abstract defined ( ThreadContext TC, RakudoObject Obj ) : bool
TC Rakudo.Runtime.ThreadContext
Obj RakudoObject
Résultat bool

get_attribute() public abstract méthode

Gets the current value for an attribute.
public abstract get_attribute ( ThreadContext TC, RakudoObject Object, RakudoObject ClassHandle, string Name ) : RakudoObject
TC Rakudo.Runtime.ThreadContext
Object RakudoObject
ClassHandle RakudoObject
Name string
Résultat RakudoObject

get_attribute_with_hint() public abstract méthode

Gets the current value for an attribute, obtained using the given hint.
public abstract get_attribute_with_hint ( ThreadContext TC, RakudoObject Object, RakudoObject ClassHandle, string Name, int Hint ) : RakudoObject
TC Rakudo.Runtime.ThreadContext
Object RakudoObject
ClassHandle RakudoObject
Name string
Hint int
Résultat RakudoObject

get_int() public abstract méthode

Used with boxing. Gets an integer value, for representations that can hold one.
public abstract get_int ( ThreadContext TC, RakudoObject Object ) : int
TC Rakudo.Runtime.ThreadContext
Object RakudoObject
Résultat int

get_num() public abstract méthode

Used with boxing. Gets a floating point value, for representations that can hold one.
public abstract get_num ( ThreadContext TC, RakudoObject Object ) : double
TC Rakudo.Runtime.ThreadContext
Object RakudoObject
Résultat double

get_str() public abstract méthode

Used with boxing. Gets a string value, for representations that can hold one.
public abstract get_str ( ThreadContext TC, RakudoObject Object ) : string
TC Rakudo.Runtime.ThreadContext
Object RakudoObject
Résultat string

hint_for() public abstract méthode

Gets the hint for the given attribute ID.
public abstract hint_for ( ThreadContext TC, RakudoObject ClassHandle, string Name ) : int
TC Rakudo.Runtime.ThreadContext
ClassHandle RakudoObject
Name string
Résultat int

instance_of() public abstract méthode

Creates a new instance based on the type object.
public abstract instance_of ( ThreadContext TC, RakudoObject WHAT ) : RakudoObject
TC Rakudo.Runtime.ThreadContext
WHAT RakudoObject
Résultat RakudoObject

set_int() public abstract méthode

Used with boxing. Sets an integer value, for representations that can hold one.
public abstract set_int ( ThreadContext TC, RakudoObject Object, int Value ) : void
TC Rakudo.Runtime.ThreadContext
Object RakudoObject
Value int
Résultat void

set_num() public abstract méthode

Used with boxing. Sets a floating point value, for representations that can hold one.
public abstract set_num ( ThreadContext TC, RakudoObject Object, double Value ) : void
TC Rakudo.Runtime.ThreadContext
Object RakudoObject
Value double
Résultat void

set_str() public abstract méthode

Used with boxing. Sets a string value, for representations that can hold one.
public abstract set_str ( ThreadContext TC, RakudoObject Object, string Value ) : void
TC Rakudo.Runtime.ThreadContext
Object RakudoObject
Value string
Résultat void

type_object_for() public abstract méthode

Creates a new type object of this representation, and associates it with the given HOW. Also sets up a new representation instance if needed.
public abstract type_object_for ( ThreadContext TC, RakudoObject HOW ) : RakudoObject
TC Rakudo.Runtime.ThreadContext
HOW RakudoObject
Résultat RakudoObject