C# Class R.Scheduler.Core.SchedulerCore

Provides abstraction layer between the Quartz Scheduler and the R.Scheduler controllers
Inheritance: ISchedulerCore
Afficher le fichier Open project: R-Suite/R.Scheduler Class Usage Examples

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
AddCronCalendar ( string name, string description, string cronExpression ) : System.Guid

Register new CronCalendar

AddHolidayCalendar ( string name, string description, IList daysExcludedUtc = null ) : System.Guid

Register new HolidayCalendar and optionally provide an initital set of dates to exclude.

AddHolidayCalendarExclusionDates ( System.Guid id, IList daysExcludedUtc ) : void

Add exclusion dates to HolidayCalendar

AmendCronCalendar ( System.Guid id, string description, string cronExpression ) : void

Amends existing CronCalendar

AmendHolidayCalendar ( System.Guid id, string description, IList datesExcluded ) : void

Amends existing HolidayCalendar. New datesExcluded set replaces the current set.

CreateJob ( string jobName, string jobGroup, Type jobType, object>.Dictionary dataMap, string description, System.Guid jobId = null ) : System.Guid

Create new job of type jobType without any triggers

DeleteCalendar ( System.Guid id ) : bool

Delete Calendar

ExecuteJob ( System.Guid jobId ) : void

Trigger the specified job

GetCalendar ( System.Guid id, string &name ) : ICalendar

Get Calendar

GetCalendars ( ) : IDictionary>

Get dictionary of ICalendar and (calendar) Name/Id pairs

GetFireTimesBetween ( System.DateTime start, System.DateTime end ) : IEnumerable

Get all the fire times within a specified date range

GetJobDetail ( System.Guid id ) : IJobDetail

Get IJobDetail of the job specified by id. This method is used mainly for requests coming from the WebApi.

GetJobDetails ( Type jobType = null ) : Guid>.IDictionary

Get job details of type jobType. Get all the job details if jobType is not specified

GetTriggersOfJob ( System.Guid id ) : Guid>.IDictionary

Get all triggers of a specified job

PauseTrigger ( System.Guid triggerId ) : void

Pause trigger from firing.

RemoveJob ( System.Guid jobId ) : void

Deletes the specified job and all the asociated triggers.

RemoveJobTriggers ( System.Guid jobId ) : void

Removes all triggers of the specified job

RemoveTrigger ( System.Guid triggerId ) : void

Remove trigger from scheduler.

ResumeTrigger ( System.Guid triggerId ) : void

Resume trigger from firing.

ScheduleTrigger ( BaseTrigger myTrigger ) : System.Guid

Schedule specified trigger

SchedulerCore ( IScheduler scheduler, IPersistanceStore persistanceStore ) : System

Method Details

AddCronCalendar() public méthode

Register new CronCalendar
public AddCronCalendar ( string name, string description, string cronExpression ) : System.Guid
name string
description string
cronExpression string
Résultat System.Guid

AddHolidayCalendar() public méthode

Register new HolidayCalendar and optionally provide an initital set of dates to exclude.
public AddHolidayCalendar ( string name, string description, IList daysExcludedUtc = null ) : System.Guid
name string
description string
daysExcludedUtc IList
Résultat System.Guid

AddHolidayCalendarExclusionDates() public méthode

Add exclusion dates to HolidayCalendar
public AddHolidayCalendarExclusionDates ( System.Guid id, IList daysExcludedUtc ) : void
id System.Guid
daysExcludedUtc IList
Résultat void

AmendCronCalendar() public méthode

Amends existing CronCalendar
public AmendCronCalendar ( System.Guid id, string description, string cronExpression ) : void
id System.Guid
description string
cronExpression string
Résultat void

AmendHolidayCalendar() public méthode

Amends existing HolidayCalendar. New datesExcluded set replaces the current set.
public AmendHolidayCalendar ( System.Guid id, string description, IList datesExcluded ) : void
id System.Guid
description string
datesExcluded IList
Résultat void

CreateJob() public méthode

Create new job of type jobType without any triggers
public CreateJob ( string jobName, string jobGroup, Type jobType, object>.Dictionary dataMap, string description, System.Guid jobId = null ) : System.Guid
jobName string
jobGroup string
jobType System.Type
dataMap object>.Dictionary specific parameters
description string
jobId System.Guid
Résultat System.Guid

DeleteCalendar() public méthode

Delete Calendar
public DeleteCalendar ( System.Guid id ) : bool
id System.Guid
Résultat bool

ExecuteJob() public méthode

Trigger the specified job
public ExecuteJob ( System.Guid jobId ) : void
jobId System.Guid
Résultat void

GetCalendar() public méthode

Get Calendar
public GetCalendar ( System.Guid id, string &name ) : ICalendar
id System.Guid
name string
Résultat ICalendar

GetCalendars() public méthode

Get dictionary of ICalendar and (calendar) Name/Id pairs
public GetCalendars ( ) : IDictionary>
Résultat IDictionary>

GetFireTimesBetween() public méthode

Get all the fire times within a specified date range
public GetFireTimesBetween ( System.DateTime start, System.DateTime end ) : IEnumerable
start System.DateTime
end System.DateTime
Résultat IEnumerable

GetJobDetail() public méthode

Get IJobDetail of the job specified by id. This method is used mainly for requests coming from the WebApi.
public GetJobDetail ( System.Guid id ) : IJobDetail
id System.Guid
Résultat IJobDetail

GetJobDetails() public méthode

Get job details of type jobType. Get all the job details if jobType is not specified
public GetJobDetails ( Type jobType = null ) : Guid>.IDictionary
jobType System.Type
Résultat Guid>.IDictionary

GetTriggersOfJob() public méthode

Get all triggers of a specified job
public GetTriggersOfJob ( System.Guid id ) : Guid>.IDictionary
id System.Guid
Résultat Guid>.IDictionary

PauseTrigger() public méthode

Pause trigger from firing.
public PauseTrigger ( System.Guid triggerId ) : void
triggerId System.Guid
Résultat void

RemoveJob() public méthode

Deletes the specified job and all the asociated triggers.
public RemoveJob ( System.Guid jobId ) : void
jobId System.Guid
Résultat void

RemoveJobTriggers() public méthode

Removes all triggers of the specified job
public RemoveJobTriggers ( System.Guid jobId ) : void
jobId System.Guid
Résultat void

RemoveTrigger() public méthode

Remove trigger from scheduler.
public RemoveTrigger ( System.Guid triggerId ) : void
triggerId System.Guid
Résultat void

ResumeTrigger() public méthode

Resume trigger from firing.
public ResumeTrigger ( System.Guid triggerId ) : void
triggerId System.Guid
Résultat void

ScheduleTrigger() public méthode

Schedule specified trigger
public ScheduleTrigger ( BaseTrigger myTrigger ) : System.Guid
myTrigger R.Scheduler.Contracts.Model.BaseTrigger
Résultat System.Guid

SchedulerCore() public méthode

public SchedulerCore ( IScheduler scheduler, IPersistanceStore persistanceStore ) : System
scheduler IScheduler
persistanceStore IPersistanceStore
Résultat System