C# Class Questor.Modules.Cache

Afficher le fichier Open project: rixim/Questor

Méthodes publiques

Свойство Type Description
MissionUseDrones bool?
MissionWeaponGroupId int
missionAmmo List

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
AddPriorityTargets ( IEnumerable targets, Priority priority ) : void

Add priority targets

BookmarkById ( long bookmarkId ) : DirectEve.DirectBookmark

Return a bookmark by id

BookmarksByLabel ( string label ) : List

Returns bookmarks that start with the supplied label

Cache ( ) : System
CreateBookmark ( string label ) : void

Create a bookmark

DistanceFromMe ( double x, double y, double z ) : double

Calculate distance from me

EntitiesByName ( string name ) : IEnumerable

Return entities by name

EntityById ( long id ) : EntityCache

Return a cached entity by Id

FilterPath ( string path ) : string
GetAgentMission ( long agentId ) : DirectEve.DirectAgentMission

Returns the mission for a specific agent

GetBestTarget ( EntityCache currentTarget, double distance, bool lowValueFirst ) : EntityCache

Return the best possible target (based on current target, distance and low value first)

GetMissionBookmark ( long agentId, string startsWith ) : DirectEve.DirectAgentMissionBookmark

Returns the first mission bookmark that starts with a certain string

GetWindowByCaption ( string caption ) : DirectEve.DirectWindow
GetWindowByName ( string name ) : DirectEve.DirectWindow
InvalidateCache ( ) : void

Invalidate the cached items

LoadMissionActions ( long agentId, int pocketId ) : IEnumerable

Loads mission objectives from XML file

RefreshMissionItems ( long agentId ) : void

Refresh the mission items

RemovePriorityTargets ( IEnumerable targets ) : bool

Remove targets from priority list

Private Methods

Méthode Description
OrderByLowestHealth ( ) : int>.Func

Method Details

AddPriorityTargets() public méthode

Add priority targets
public AddPriorityTargets ( IEnumerable targets, Priority priority ) : void
targets IEnumerable
priority Priority
Résultat void

BookmarkById() public méthode

Return a bookmark by id
public BookmarkById ( long bookmarkId ) : DirectEve.DirectBookmark
bookmarkId long
Résultat DirectEve.DirectBookmark

BookmarksByLabel() public méthode

Returns bookmarks that start with the supplied label
public BookmarksByLabel ( string label ) : List
label string
Résultat List

Cache() public méthode

public Cache ( ) : System
Résultat System

CreateBookmark() public méthode

Create a bookmark
public CreateBookmark ( string label ) : void
label string
Résultat void

DistanceFromMe() public méthode

Calculate distance from me
public DistanceFromMe ( double x, double y, double z ) : double
x double
y double
z double
Résultat double

EntitiesByName() public méthode

Return entities by name
public EntitiesByName ( string name ) : IEnumerable
name string
Résultat IEnumerable

EntityById() public méthode

Return a cached entity by Id
public EntityById ( long id ) : EntityCache
id long
Résultat EntityCache

FilterPath() public méthode

public FilterPath ( string path ) : string
path string
Résultat string

GetAgentMission() public méthode

Returns the mission for a specific agent
public GetAgentMission ( long agentId ) : DirectEve.DirectAgentMission
agentId long
Résultat DirectEve.DirectAgentMission

GetBestTarget() public méthode

Return the best possible target (based on current target, distance and low value first)
public GetBestTarget ( EntityCache currentTarget, double distance, bool lowValueFirst ) : EntityCache
currentTarget EntityCache
distance double
lowValueFirst bool
Résultat EntityCache

GetMissionBookmark() public méthode

Returns the first mission bookmark that starts with a certain string
public GetMissionBookmark ( long agentId, string startsWith ) : DirectEve.DirectAgentMissionBookmark
agentId long
startsWith string
Résultat DirectEve.DirectAgentMissionBookmark

GetWindowByCaption() public méthode

public GetWindowByCaption ( string caption ) : DirectEve.DirectWindow
caption string
Résultat DirectEve.DirectWindow

GetWindowByName() public méthode

public GetWindowByName ( string name ) : DirectEve.DirectWindow
name string
Résultat DirectEve.DirectWindow

InvalidateCache() public méthode

Invalidate the cached items
public InvalidateCache ( ) : void
Résultat void

LoadMissionActions() public méthode

Loads mission objectives from XML file
public LoadMissionActions ( long agentId, int pocketId ) : IEnumerable
agentId long
pocketId int
Résultat IEnumerable

RefreshMissionItems() public méthode

Refresh the mission items
public RefreshMissionItems ( long agentId ) : void
agentId long
Résultat void

RemovePriorityTargets() public méthode

Remove targets from priority list
public RemovePriorityTargets ( IEnumerable targets ) : bool
targets IEnumerable
Résultat bool

Property Details

MissionUseDrones public_oe property

public bool? MissionUseDrones
Résultat bool?

MissionWeaponGroupId public_oe property

public int MissionWeaponGroupId
Résultat int

missionAmmo public_oe property

public List missionAmmo
Résultat List