C# Class Questor.Modules.Combat.Combat

The combat class will target and kill any NPC that is targeting the questor. It will also kill any NPC that is targeted but not aggressing the questor.
Afficher le fichier Open project: ISeeDEDPpl/Questor Class Usage Examples

Méthodes publiques

Свойство Type Description
CombatInstances int

Private Properties

Свойство Type Description
ActivateNos void
ActivateRemoteRepair void
ActivateSensorDampeners void
ActivateStasisWeb void
ActivateTargetPainters void
ActivateWarpDisruptor void
ActivateWeapons void
CanActivate bool
Combat System
ReloadAmmo bool
ReloadEnergyWeaponAmmo bool
ReloadNormalAmmo bool
TargetCombatants void
TargetCombatants2 void
UnlockHighValueTarget bool
UnlockLowValueTarget bool

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
ActivateBastion ( bool activate = false ) : bool
ProcessState ( ) : void
ReloadAll ( EntityCache entity, bool force = false ) : bool

Private Methods

Méthode Description
ActivateNos ( EntityCache target ) : void

Activate Nos

ActivateRemoteRepair ( EntityCache target ) : void
ActivateSensorDampeners ( EntityCache target ) : void

Activate target painters

ActivateStasisWeb ( EntityCache target ) : void

Activate StasisWeb

ActivateTargetPainters ( EntityCache target ) : void

Activate target painters

ActivateWarpDisruptor ( EntityCache target ) : void
ActivateWeapons ( EntityCache target ) : void

Activate weapons

CanActivate ( ModuleCache module, EntityCache entity, bool isWeapon ) : bool

Returns true if it can activate the weapon on the target

The idea behind this function is that a target that explodes is not being fired on within 5 seconds

Combat ( ) : System
ReloadAmmo ( ModuleCache weapon, EntityCache entity, int weaponNumber ) : bool

Reload correct (tm) ammo for the NPC

ReloadEnergyWeaponAmmo ( ModuleCache weapon, EntityCache entity, int weaponNumber ) : bool
ReloadNormalAmmo ( ModuleCache weapon, EntityCache entity, int weaponNumber, bool force = false ) : bool
TargetCombatants ( ) : void

Target combatants

TargetCombatants2 ( ) : void
UnlockHighValueTarget ( string module, string reason, bool OutOfRangeOnly = false ) : bool
UnlockLowValueTarget ( string module, string reason, bool OutOfWeaponsRange = false ) : bool

Method Details

ActivateBastion() public static méthode

public static ActivateBastion ( bool activate = false ) : bool
activate bool
Résultat bool

ProcessState() public static méthode

public static ProcessState ( ) : void
Résultat void

ReloadAll() public static méthode

public static ReloadAll ( EntityCache entity, bool force = false ) : bool
entity Questor.Modules.Caching.EntityCache
force bool
Résultat bool

Property Details

CombatInstances public_oe static_oe property

public static int CombatInstances
Résultat int