C# Class Project2.GameObjects.Abstract.GameObject

Inheritance: IUpdateable, IDrawable, INode
Afficher le fichier Open project: nuclearpidgeon/graphicsproj2

Protected Properties

Свойство Type Description
basicEffect SharpDX.Toolkit.Graphics.BasicEffect
game Project2Game
inputLayout VertexInputLayout

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
AddChild ( INode childNode ) : void
BeginDraw ( ) : bool
Draw ( SharpDX.Toolkit.GameTime gametime ) : void

Sets up basicEffect parameters for drawing

EndDraw ( ) : void
LoadContent ( ) : void
RemoveChild ( INode childNode ) : void
Update ( SharpDX.Toolkit.GameTime gametime ) : void

Méthodes protégées

Méthode Description
GameObject ( Project2Game game, System.Vector3 position ) : System

Create new GameObject with default orientation and size.

GameObject ( Project2Game game, System.Vector3 position, System.Vector3 scale ) : System

Create a new GameObject with default orientation.

GameObject ( Project2Game game, System.Vector3 position, System.Vector3 orientation, System.Vector3 scale ) : System
UpdateWorldMatrix ( ) : void

Method Details

AddChild() public méthode

public AddChild ( INode childNode ) : void
childNode INode
Résultat void

BeginDraw() public méthode

public BeginDraw ( ) : bool
Résultat bool

Draw() public méthode

Sets up basicEffect parameters for drawing
public Draw ( SharpDX.Toolkit.GameTime gametime ) : void
gametime SharpDX.Toolkit.GameTime
Résultat void

EndDraw() public méthode

public EndDraw ( ) : void
Résultat void

GameObject() protected méthode

Create new GameObject with default orientation and size.
protected GameObject ( Project2Game game, System.Vector3 position ) : System
game Project2Game
position System.Vector3
Résultat System

GameObject() protected méthode

Create a new GameObject with default orientation.
protected GameObject ( Project2Game game, System.Vector3 position, System.Vector3 scale ) : System
game Project2Game
position System.Vector3
scale System.Vector3
Résultat System

GameObject() protected méthode

protected GameObject ( Project2Game game, System.Vector3 position, System.Vector3 orientation, System.Vector3 scale ) : System
game Project2Game
position System.Vector3
orientation System.Vector3
scale System.Vector3
Résultat System

LoadContent() public méthode

public LoadContent ( ) : void
Résultat void

RemoveChild() public méthode

public RemoveChild ( INode childNode ) : void
childNode INode
Résultat void

Update() public méthode

public Update ( SharpDX.Toolkit.GameTime gametime ) : void
gametime SharpDX.Toolkit.GameTime
Résultat void

UpdateWorldMatrix() protected méthode

protected UpdateWorldMatrix ( ) : void
Résultat void

Property Details

basicEffect protected_oe property

protected BasicEffect,SharpDX.Toolkit.Graphics basicEffect
Résultat SharpDX.Toolkit.Graphics.BasicEffect

game protected_oe property

protected Project2Game game
Résultat Project2Game

inputLayout protected_oe property

protected VertexInputLayout inputLayout
Résultat VertexInputLayout