C# Class Precog.Client.Format.DelimitedFormat

A format of delimited text, following the guidelines in RFC 4180.

This format requires a delimiter, quote character and escape character. The escape character is used to represent the quote character inside of quoted values. Although the actual delimiter is configurable, because we follow the general format of RFC 4180, the MIME type is text/csv.

Inheritance: AppendFormat
Afficher le fichier Open project: precog/precog_dotnet_client

Méthodes publiques

Свойство Type Description
Delimiter char
Escape char
Quote char

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
DelimitedFormat ( char delimiter ) : System

Create a new DelimitedFormat with the specified delimiter, using the double quote (") for escape and quoting characters.

DelimitedFormat ( char delimiter, char escape, char quote ) : System

Create a new DelimitedFormat with the specified delimiter, escape, and quote characters.

Private Methods

Méthode Description
RequestParameters ( ) : string

Method Details

DelimitedFormat() public méthode

Create a new DelimitedFormat with the specified delimiter, using the double quote (") for escape and quoting characters.
public DelimitedFormat ( char delimiter ) : System
delimiter char
Résultat System

DelimitedFormat() public méthode

Create a new DelimitedFormat with the specified delimiter, escape, and quote characters.
public DelimitedFormat ( char delimiter, char escape, char quote ) : System
delimiter char
escape char
quote char
Résultat System

Property Details

Delimiter public_oe property

The character used to separate fields
public char Delimiter
Résultat char

Escape public_oe property

The character used to escape quote characters found within quoted values
public char Escape
Résultat char

Quote public_oe property

The character used to quote values in fields
public char Quote
Résultat char