C# Class PodioAPI.Services.ApplicationService

Afficher le fichier Open project: podio/podio-dotnet

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
ActivateApp ( int appId ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task

Activates a deactivated app. This puts the app back in the app navigator and allows insertion of new items.

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/applications/activate-app-43822

AddNewApp ( Application application ) : Task

Creates a new app on a space.

Podio API Reference:https://developers.podio.com/doc/applications/add-new-app-22351

AddNewAppField ( int appId, ApplicationField field ) : Task

Adds a new field to an app.

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/applications/get-app-field-22353

ApplicationService ( Podio currentInstance ) : System.Collections.Generic
DeactivateApp ( int appId ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task

Deactivates the app with the given id. This removes the app from the app navigator, and disables insertion of new items.

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/applications/deactivate-app-43821

DeleteApp ( int appId ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task

Deletes the app with the given id. This will delete all items, widgets, filters and shares on the app. This operation is not reversible.

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/applications/delete-app-43693

DeleteAppField ( int appId, int fieldId, bool deleteValues = false ) : Task

Deletes a field on an app. When deleting a field any new items and updates to existing items will not have this field present. For existing items, the field will still be presented when viewing the item.

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/applications/delete-app-field-22355

GetAllUserApps ( int excludeAppIds = null, int referenceableInOrg = null, string right = null, string text = null, bool excludeDemo = false, int limit = 4, string order = "score" ) : Task>

Returns all the apps for the active user.

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/applications/get-all-user-apps-5902728

GetApp ( int appId, string type = "full" ) : Task

Gets the definition of an app and can include configuration and fields.

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/applications/get-app-22349

GetAppByOrgLabelSpaceLabelAndAppLabel ( string orgLabel, string spaceLabel, string appLabel ) : Task

Returns app based on the provided org_label, space_label and app_label.

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/applications/get-app-by-org-label-space-label-and-app-label-91708386

GetAppDependencies ( int appId ) : Task

Returns the apps that the given app depends on.

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/applications/get-app-dependencies-39159

GetAppField ( int appId, int fieldId ) : Task

Returns a single field from an app.

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/applications/get-app-field-22353

GetAppOnSpaceByURLLabel ( int spaceId, string UrlLabel, string type = "full" ) : Task

Returns the app on the given space with the given URL label.

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/applications/get-app-on-space-by-url-label-477105

GetAppsBySpace ( int spaceId, bool includeInactive = false, string>.Dictionary additionalAttributes = null ) : Task>

Returns all the apps on the space that are visible. The apps are sorted by any custom ordering and else by name.

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/applications/get-apps-by-space-22478

GetCalculationsForApp ( int appId ) : Task>

Returns the list of possible calculations that can be done on related apps.

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/applications/get-calculations-for-app-773005

GetFeatures ( int appIds, bool includeSpace = false ) : Task>

Returns the features that the given apps and optionally space includes.The current list of features are widgets, tasks, filters, forms, integration, items.

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/applications/get-features-43648

GetIconSuggestions ( string query ) : Task>

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/applications/get-icon-suggestions-82045764

GetSpaceAppDependencies ( int spaceId ) : Task

Returns all the active apps on the space along with their dependencies. The dependencies are only one level deep.

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/applications/get-space-app-dependencies-45779

GetTopApps ( bool excludeDemo = false, int limit = 4 ) : Task>

Returns the top apps for the active user. This is the apps that the user have interacted with the most.

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/applications/get-top-apps-22476

GetTopAppsForOrganization ( int organizationId ) : Task>

Returns the top apps for the user inside the given organization

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/applications/get-top-apps-for-organization-1671395

InstallApp ( int appId, int spaceId, string features = null ) : Task

Installs the app with the given id on the space.

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/applications/install-app-22506

UpdateAnAppField ( Application application ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task

Updates the configuration of an app field. The type of the field cannot be updated, only the configuration.

Supply the application object with AppId, and the field to be updated

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/applications/update-an-app-field-22356

UpdateAnAppField ( int appId, int fieldId, FieldConfig config ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task

Updates the configuration of an app field. The type of the field cannot be updated, only the configuration.

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/applications/update-an-app-field-22356

UpdateApp ( Application application, bool silent = false ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task

Updates an app.

The update can contain an new configuration for the app, addition of new fields as well as updates to the configuration of existing fields. Fields not included will not be deleted. To delete a field use the "delete field" operation

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/applications/update-app-22352

UpdateAppDescription ( int appId, string description ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task

Updates the app with a new description.

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/applications/update-app-description-33569973

UpdateAppOrder ( int spaceId, List appIds ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task

Updates the order of the apps on the space. It should post all the apps from the space in the order required.

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/applications/update-app-order-22463

UpdateAppUsageInstructions ( int appId, string usage ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task

Updates the usage instructions for the app.

Podio API Reference:https://developers.podio.com/doc/applications/update-app-usage-instructions-33570086

Method Details

ActivateApp() public méthode

Activates a deactivated app. This puts the app back in the app navigator and allows insertion of new items.

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/applications/activate-app-43822

public ActivateApp ( int appId ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
appId int
Résultat System.Threading.Tasks.Task

AddNewApp() public méthode

Creates a new app on a space.

Podio API Reference:https://developers.podio.com/doc/applications/add-new-app-22351

public AddNewApp ( Application application ) : Task
application Application
Résultat Task

AddNewAppField() public méthode

Adds a new field to an app.

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/applications/get-app-field-22353

public AddNewAppField ( int appId, ApplicationField field ) : Task
appId int
field ApplicationField
Résultat Task

ApplicationService() public méthode

public ApplicationService ( Podio currentInstance ) : System.Collections.Generic
currentInstance Podio
Résultat System.Collections.Generic

DeactivateApp() public méthode

Deactivates the app with the given id. This removes the app from the app navigator, and disables insertion of new items.

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/applications/deactivate-app-43821

public DeactivateApp ( int appId ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
appId int
Résultat System.Threading.Tasks.Task

DeleteApp() public méthode

Deletes the app with the given id. This will delete all items, widgets, filters and shares on the app. This operation is not reversible.

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/applications/delete-app-43693

public DeleteApp ( int appId ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
appId int
Résultat System.Threading.Tasks.Task

DeleteAppField() public méthode

Deletes a field on an app. When deleting a field any new items and updates to existing items will not have this field present. For existing items, the field will still be presented when viewing the item.

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/applications/delete-app-field-22355

public DeleteAppField ( int appId, int fieldId, bool deleteValues = false ) : Task
appId int
fieldId int
deleteValues bool True if the values for the fields should be deleted, false otherwise Default value: false
Résultat Task

GetAllUserApps() public méthode

Returns all the apps for the active user.

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/applications/get-all-user-apps-5902728

public GetAllUserApps ( int excludeAppIds = null, int referenceableInOrg = null, string right = null, string text = null, bool excludeDemo = false, int limit = 4, string order = "score" ) : Task>
excludeAppIds int The comma separated list of app_ids to exclude from the returned list.
referenceableInOrg int /// ID of the Organization to filter apps by. Returns only apps the user can reference in /// that Organization. ///
right string The right the user must have on the returned apps.
text string /// Any search term that should either match the name of the app, the name of items in the app or the /// name of the workspace the app is in. ///
excludeDemo bool True if apps from demo workspace should be excluded, false otherwise Default value: false
limit int The maximum number of apps to return Default value: 4
order string /// The order to return the apps in.: score: Order by the score of the app for the active user, name: /// Order by the name of the app. Default value: score ///
Résultat Task>

GetApp() public méthode

Gets the definition of an app and can include configuration and fields.

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/applications/get-app-22349

public GetApp ( int appId, string type = "full" ) : Task
appId int
type string /// The type of the view of the app requested. Can be either "full", "short", "mini" or "micro". Default /// value: full ///
Résultat Task

GetAppByOrgLabelSpaceLabelAndAppLabel() public méthode

Returns app based on the provided org_label, space_label and app_label.

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/applications/get-app-by-org-label-space-label-and-app-label-91708386

public GetAppByOrgLabelSpaceLabelAndAppLabel ( string orgLabel, string spaceLabel, string appLabel ) : Task
orgLabel string
spaceLabel string
appLabel string
Résultat Task

GetAppDependencies() public méthode

Returns the apps that the given app depends on.

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/applications/get-app-dependencies-39159

public GetAppDependencies ( int appId ) : Task
appId int
Résultat Task

GetAppField() public méthode

Returns a single field from an app.

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/applications/get-app-field-22353

public GetAppField ( int appId, int fieldId ) : Task
appId int
fieldId int
Résultat Task

GetAppOnSpaceByURLLabel() public méthode

Returns the app on the given space with the given URL label.

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/applications/get-app-on-space-by-url-label-477105

public GetAppOnSpaceByURLLabel ( int spaceId, string UrlLabel, string type = "full" ) : Task
spaceId int
UrlLabel string
type string /// The type of the view of the app requested. Can be either "full", "short", "mini" or "micro". Default /// value: full ///
Résultat Task

GetAppsBySpace() public méthode

Returns all the apps on the space that are visible. The apps are sorted by any custom ordering and else by name.

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/applications/get-apps-by-space-22478

public GetAppsBySpace ( int spaceId, bool includeInactive = false, string>.Dictionary additionalAttributes = null ) : Task>
spaceId int
includeInactive bool True if inactive apps should be included, false otherwise.Default value: false
additionalAttributes string>.Dictionary Additional attributes to include in query string
Résultat Task>

GetCalculationsForApp() public méthode

Returns the list of possible calculations that can be done on related apps.

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/applications/get-calculations-for-app-773005

public GetCalculationsForApp ( int appId ) : Task>
appId int
Résultat Task>

GetFeatures() public méthode

Returns the features that the given apps and optionally space includes.The current list of features are widgets, tasks, filters, forms, integration, items.

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/applications/get-features-43648

public GetFeatures ( int appIds, bool includeSpace = false ) : Task>
appIds int A comma-separated list of app ids from which the features should be extracted
includeSpace bool
Résultat Task>

GetIconSuggestions() public méthode

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/applications/get-icon-suggestions-82045764

public GetIconSuggestions ( string query ) : Task>
query string Any search term to match.
Résultat Task>

GetSpaceAppDependencies() public méthode

Returns all the active apps on the space along with their dependencies. The dependencies are only one level deep.

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/applications/get-space-app-dependencies-45779

public GetSpaceAppDependencies ( int spaceId ) : Task
spaceId int
Résultat Task

GetTopApps() public méthode

Returns the top apps for the active user. This is the apps that the user have interacted with the most.

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/applications/get-top-apps-22476

public GetTopApps ( bool excludeDemo = false, int limit = 4 ) : Task>
excludeDemo bool True if apps from demo workspace should be excluded, false otherwiseDefault value: false
limit int maximum number of apps to return Default value: 4
Résultat Task>

GetTopAppsForOrganization() public méthode

Returns the top apps for the user inside the given organization

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/applications/get-top-apps-for-organization-1671395

public GetTopAppsForOrganization ( int organizationId ) : Task>
organizationId int
Résultat Task>

InstallApp() public méthode

Installs the app with the given id on the space.

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/applications/install-app-22506

public InstallApp ( int appId, int spaceId, string features = null ) : Task
appId int
spaceId int
features string /// The features that should be installed with the app. Options are: filters, tasks, widgets, /// integration, forms, items. If the value is not given all but the "items" feature will be selected. ///
Résultat Task

UpdateAnAppField() public méthode

Updates the configuration of an app field. The type of the field cannot be updated, only the configuration.

Supply the application object with AppId, and the field to be updated

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/applications/update-an-app-field-22356

public UpdateAnAppField ( Application application ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
application Application
Résultat System.Threading.Tasks.Task

UpdateAnAppField() public méthode

Updates the configuration of an app field. The type of the field cannot be updated, only the configuration.

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/applications/update-an-app-field-22356

public UpdateAnAppField ( int appId, int fieldId, FieldConfig config ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
appId int
fieldId int
config PodioAPI.Models.FieldConfig
Résultat System.Threading.Tasks.Task

UpdateApp() public méthode

Updates an app.

The update can contain an new configuration for the app, addition of new fields as well as updates to the configuration of existing fields. Fields not included will not be deleted. To delete a field use the "delete field" operation

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/applications/update-app-22352

public UpdateApp ( Application application, bool silent = false ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
application Application
silent bool
Résultat System.Threading.Tasks.Task

UpdateAppDescription() public méthode

Updates the app with a new description.

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/applications/update-app-description-33569973

public UpdateAppDescription ( int appId, string description ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
appId int
description string
Résultat System.Threading.Tasks.Task

UpdateAppOrder() public méthode

Updates the order of the apps on the space. It should post all the apps from the space in the order required.

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/applications/update-app-order-22463

public UpdateAppOrder ( int spaceId, List appIds ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
spaceId int
appIds List
Résultat System.Threading.Tasks.Task

UpdateAppUsageInstructions() public méthode

Updates the usage instructions for the app.

Podio API Reference:https://developers.podio.com/doc/applications/update-app-usage-instructions-33570086

public UpdateAppUsageInstructions ( int appId, string usage ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
appId int
usage string
Résultat System.Threading.Tasks.Task