C# Class Plovr.Helpers.PathHelpers

Afficher le fichier Open project: hikirsch/Plovr.NET

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
MakeAbsoluteFromUrlAndBasePath ( IEnumerable rawList, string basePath ) : IEnumerable

Go through a list and convert all the contents relative pathing to the base path passed.

MakeAbsoluteFromUrlAndBasePath ( string path, string basePath ) : string

Takes a path and normalizes it from a URL path to a valid windows path. This function does 2 things to a path: A) replaces "~" with the the base path that is passed in. B) replaces "/" with "\"

MakeRelativeFromPath ( string fullPath ) : string

Pass a full path and convert it to a URL basd on the current HttpContext.

ResolveJavaPath ( string javaPath ) : string

Using the path passed in, if it contains %JAVA_HOME%, set it with what its set.

Method Details

MakeAbsoluteFromUrlAndBasePath() public static méthode

Go through a list and convert all the contents relative pathing to the base path passed.
public static MakeAbsoluteFromUrlAndBasePath ( IEnumerable rawList, string basePath ) : IEnumerable
rawList IEnumerable the list of paths that are shorthand url
basePath string the base path to calculate the relative path against
Résultat IEnumerable

MakeAbsoluteFromUrlAndBasePath() public static méthode

Takes a path and normalizes it from a URL path to a valid windows path. This function does 2 things to a path: A) replaces "~" with the the base path that is passed in. B) replaces "/" with "\"
public static MakeAbsoluteFromUrlAndBasePath ( string path, string basePath ) : string
path string a short hand style path for an ASPNET application
basePath string the base path to normalize the path with
Résultat string

MakeRelativeFromPath() public static méthode

Pass a full path and convert it to a URL basd on the current HttpContext.
public static MakeRelativeFromPath ( string fullPath ) : string
fullPath string the full path to convert
Résultat string

ResolveJavaPath() public static méthode

Using the path passed in, if it contains %JAVA_HOME%, set it with what its set.
public static ResolveJavaPath ( string javaPath ) : string
javaPath string
Résultat string