C# Class PckView.Bmp

Summary description for Bmp.
Afficher le fichier Open project: pmprog/OpenXCOM.Tools Class Usage Examples

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
Draw ( Bitmap src, Bitmap dest, int x, int y ) : void
FireLoadingEvent ( int curr, int total ) : void
Load ( string file, Type collectionType ) : xCollection
LoadSingle ( Bitmap src, int num, Palette pal, Type collectionType ) : ITile
MakeBitmap ( int width, int height, System.Drawing.Imaging.ColorPalette pal ) : Bitmap
MakeBitmap ( int width, int height, byte idx, System.Drawing.Imaging.ColorPalette pal ) : Bitmap

Creates a TRUE 8-bit indexed bitmap from the specified byte array

Save ( Stream s, Bitmap image ) : void
Save ( string path, Bitmap image ) : void
Save24 ( Stream s, Bitmap image ) : void
Save24 ( string path, Bitmap image ) : void
To16Bit ( Bitmap old ) : Bitmap
To24Bit ( Bitmap old ) : Bitmap

Method Details

Draw() public static méthode

public static Draw ( Bitmap src, Bitmap dest, int x, int y ) : void
src System.Drawing.Bitmap
dest System.Drawing.Bitmap
x int
y int
Résultat void

FireLoadingEvent() public static méthode

public static FireLoadingEvent ( int curr, int total ) : void
curr int
total int
Résultat void

Load() public static méthode

public static Load ( string file, Type collectionType ) : xCollection
file string
collectionType System.Type
Résultat xCollection

LoadSingle() public static méthode

public static LoadSingle ( Bitmap src, int num, Palette pal, Type collectionType ) : ITile
src System.Drawing.Bitmap
num int
pal Palette
collectionType System.Type
Résultat ITile

MakeBitmap() public static méthode

public static MakeBitmap ( int width, int height, System.Drawing.Imaging.ColorPalette pal ) : Bitmap
width int
height int
pal System.Drawing.Imaging.ColorPalette
Résultat System.Drawing.Bitmap

MakeBitmap() public static méthode

Creates a TRUE 8-bit indexed bitmap from the specified byte array
public static MakeBitmap ( int width, int height, byte idx, System.Drawing.Imaging.ColorPalette pal ) : Bitmap
width int width of final bitmap
height int height of final bitmap
idx byte image data
pal System.Drawing.Imaging.ColorPalette Palette to color the image with
Résultat System.Drawing.Bitmap

Save() public static méthode

public static Save ( Stream s, Bitmap image ) : void
s Stream
image System.Drawing.Bitmap
Résultat void

Save() public static méthode

public static Save ( string path, Bitmap image ) : void
path string
image System.Drawing.Bitmap
Résultat void

Save24() public static méthode

public static Save24 ( Stream s, Bitmap image ) : void
s Stream
image System.Drawing.Bitmap
Résultat void

Save24() public static méthode

public static Save24 ( string path, Bitmap image ) : void
path string
image System.Drawing.Bitmap
Résultat void

To16Bit() public static méthode

public static To16Bit ( Bitmap old ) : Bitmap
old System.Drawing.Bitmap
Résultat System.Drawing.Bitmap

To24Bit() public static méthode

public static To24Bit ( Bitmap old ) : Bitmap
old System.Drawing.Bitmap
Résultat System.Drawing.Bitmap