C# Class PayPal.Api.WebProfile

Payment web experience profile.

See PayPal Developer documentation for more information.

Inheritance: PayPalResource
Afficher le fichier Open project: paypal/PayPal-NET-SDK Class Usage Examples

Private Properties

Свойство Type Description

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
Create ( APIContext apiContext ) : PayPal.Api.CreateProfileResponse

Creates a web experience profile. Pass the profile name and details in the JSON request body.

Create ( APIContext apiContext, WebProfile webProfile ) : PayPal.Api.CreateProfileResponse

Create a web experience profile by passing the name of the profile and other profile details in the request JSON to the request URI.

Delete ( APIContext apiContext ) : void

Deletes a web experience profile, by ID.

Delete ( APIContext apiContext, string profileId ) : void

Deletes a web experience profile, by ID.

Get ( APIContext apiContext, string profileId ) : WebProfile

Shows details for a web experience profile, by ID.

GetList ( APIContext apiContext ) : WebProfileList

Lists all web experience profiles for a merchant or subject.

PartialUpdate ( APIContext apiContext, PatchRequest patchRequest ) : void

Partially-updates a web experience profile. Pass the profile ID to the request URI. Pass a patch object with the operation, path of the profile location to update, and, if needed, a new value to complete the operation in the JSON request body.

PartialUpdate ( APIContext apiContext, string profileId, PatchRequest patchRequest ) : void

Partially update an existing web experience profile by passing the ID of the profile to the request URI. In addition, pass a patch object in the request JSON that specifies the operation to perform, path of the profile location to update, and a new value if needed to complete the operation.

Update ( APIContext apiContext ) : void

Updates a web experience profile. Pass the ID of the profile to the request URI and pass the profile details in the JSON request body. If your request omits any profile detail fields, the operation removes the previously set values for those fields.

Update ( APIContext apiContext, WebProfile profile ) : void

Update a web experience profile by passing the ID of the profile to the request URI. In addition, pass the profile details in the request JSON. If your request does not include values for all profile detail fields, the previously set values for the omitted fields are removed by this operation.

Method Details

Create() public méthode

Creates a web experience profile. Pass the profile name and details in the JSON request body.
public Create ( APIContext apiContext ) : PayPal.Api.CreateProfileResponse
apiContext APIContext APIContext used for the API call.
Résultat PayPal.Api.CreateProfileResponse

Create() public static méthode

Create a web experience profile by passing the name of the profile and other profile details in the request JSON to the request URI.
public static Create ( APIContext apiContext, WebProfile webProfile ) : PayPal.Api.CreateProfileResponse
apiContext APIContext APIContext used for the API call.
webProfile WebProfile WebProfile object to be created as a PayPal resource.
Résultat PayPal.Api.CreateProfileResponse

Delete() public méthode

Deletes a web experience profile, by ID.
public Delete ( APIContext apiContext ) : void
apiContext APIContext APIContext used for the API call.
Résultat void

Delete() public static méthode

Deletes a web experience profile, by ID.
public static Delete ( APIContext apiContext, string profileId ) : void
apiContext APIContext APIContext used for the API call.
profileId string The ID of the profile to delete.
Résultat void

Get() public static méthode

Shows details for a web experience profile, by ID.
public static Get ( APIContext apiContext, string profileId ) : WebProfile
apiContext APIContext APIContext used for the API call.
profileId string The ID of the profile for which to show details.
Résultat WebProfile

GetList() public static méthode

Lists all web experience profiles for a merchant or subject.
public static GetList ( APIContext apiContext ) : WebProfileList
apiContext APIContext APIContext used for the API call.
Résultat WebProfileList

PartialUpdate() public méthode

Partially-updates a web experience profile. Pass the profile ID to the request URI. Pass a patch object with the operation, path of the profile location to update, and, if needed, a new value to complete the operation in the JSON request body.
public PartialUpdate ( APIContext apiContext, PatchRequest patchRequest ) : void
apiContext APIContext APIContext used for the API call.
patchRequest PatchRequest PatchRequest
Résultat void

PartialUpdate() public static méthode

Partially update an existing web experience profile by passing the ID of the profile to the request URI. In addition, pass a patch object in the request JSON that specifies the operation to perform, path of the profile location to update, and a new value if needed to complete the operation.
public static PartialUpdate ( APIContext apiContext, string profileId, PatchRequest patchRequest ) : void
apiContext APIContext APIContext used for the API call.
profileId string ID fo the web profile to partially update.
patchRequest PatchRequest PatchRequest
Résultat void

Update() public méthode

Updates a web experience profile. Pass the ID of the profile to the request URI and pass the profile details in the JSON request body. If your request omits any profile detail fields, the operation removes the previously set values for those fields.
public Update ( APIContext apiContext ) : void
apiContext APIContext APIContext used for the API call.
Résultat void

Update() public static méthode

Update a web experience profile by passing the ID of the profile to the request URI. In addition, pass the profile details in the request JSON. If your request does not include values for all profile detail fields, the previously set values for the omitted fields are removed by this operation.
public static Update ( APIContext apiContext, WebProfile profile ) : void
apiContext APIContext APIContext used for the API call.
profile WebProfile WebProfile resource to update.
Résultat void