C# Class Ovr.EyeRenderDesc

Afficher le fichier Open project: UCSDVR/Lucid-VR Class Usage Examples

Méthodes publiques

Свойство Type Description
DistortedViewport Recti
Eye Eye
Fov FovPort
HmdToEyeViewOffset Vector3f
PixelsPerTanAngleAtCenter Vector2f

Property Details

DistortedViewport public_oe property

Distortion viewport.
public Recti,Ovr DistortedViewport
Résultat Recti

Eye public_oe property

The eye index this instance corresponds to.
public Eye Eye
Résultat Eye

Fov public_oe property

The field of view.
public FovPort,Ovr Fov
Résultat FovPort

HmdToEyeViewOffset public_oe property

Translation to be applied to view matrix for each eye offset.
public Vector3f,Ovr HmdToEyeViewOffset
Résultat Vector3f

PixelsPerTanAngleAtCenter public_oe property

How many display pixels will fit in tan(angle) = 1.
public Vector2f,Ovr PixelsPerTanAngleAtCenter
Résultat Vector2f