C# Class Organic.Assembler

Afficher le fichier Open project: SirCmpwn/organic Class Usage Examples

Méthodes publiques

Свойство Type Description
FileNames Stack
ForceLongLiterals bool
IfStack Stack
IncludePath string
LabelValues List
LineNumbers Stack
Macros List
NonBasicOpcodeTable byte>.Dictionary
OpcodeTable byte>.Dictionary
PriorGlobalLabel string
ReferencedValues List
RelativeLabels ushort>.Dictionary
ValueTable byte>.Dictionary
Values ushort>.Dictionary
WorkingDirectories Stack
currentAddress ushort
noList bool

Private Properties

Свойство Type Description
CreateJson string
DisplayHelp void
DisplaySplash void
EvaluateAssembly List
GetDirectory string
GetRootNumber int
ListPlugins void
LoadTable void
LongHex string
Main int
MatchString StringMatch
ParseDirectives void

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
Assemble ( string code ) : List

Assembles the provided code. This will use the current directory to fetch include files and such.

Assemble ( string code, string FileName ) : List

Assembles the provided code. This will use the current directory to fetch include files and such.

Assembler ( ) : System

Initializes all values for this assembler. Assembler is designed to handle one assembly per instance. If you intend to assemble several times, create new instances of this class each time.

CreateListing ( List output ) : string
DumpArray ( ushort array ) : string

Creates a string of an array's content

Private Methods

Méthode Description
CreateJson ( List output ) : string
DisplayHelp ( ) : void
DisplaySplash ( ) : void
EvaluateAssembly ( List output ) : List
GetDirectory ( string filePath ) : string
GetRootNumber ( Stack LineNumbers ) : int
ListPlugins ( Assembler assembler ) : void
LoadTable ( ) : void
LongHex ( ushort p ) : string
Main ( string args ) : int
MatchString ( string value, byte>.Dictionary keys ) : StringMatch
ParseDirectives ( List output, string line ) : void

Method Details

Assemble() public méthode

Assembles the provided code. This will use the current directory to fetch include files and such.
public Assemble ( string code ) : List
code string
Résultat List

Assemble() public méthode

Assembles the provided code. This will use the current directory to fetch include files and such.
public Assemble ( string code, string FileName ) : List
code string
FileName string
Résultat List

Assembler() public méthode

Initializes all values for this assembler. Assembler is designed to handle one assembly per instance. If you intend to assemble several times, create new instances of this class each time.
public Assembler ( ) : System
Résultat System

CreateListing() public static méthode

public static CreateListing ( List output ) : string
output List
Résultat string

DumpArray() public static méthode

Creates a string of an array's content
public static DumpArray ( ushort array ) : string
array ushort
Résultat string

Property Details

FileNames public_oe property

public Stack FileNames
Résultat Stack

ForceLongLiterals public_oe property

public bool ForceLongLiterals
Résultat bool

IfStack public_oe property

public Stack IfStack
Résultat Stack

IncludePath public_oe property

Path to search for include files in.
public string IncludePath
Résultat string

LabelValues public_oe property

public List LabelValues
Résultat List

LineNumbers public_oe property

public Stack LineNumbers
Résultat Stack

Macros public_oe property

public List Macros
Résultat List

NonBasicOpcodeTable public_oe property

public Dictionary NonBasicOpcodeTable
Résultat byte>.Dictionary

OpcodeTable public_oe property

public Dictionary OpcodeTable
Résultat byte>.Dictionary

PriorGlobalLabel public_oe property

public string PriorGlobalLabel
Résultat string

ReferencedValues public_oe property

public List ReferencedValues
Résultat List

RelativeLabels public_oe property

public Dictionary RelativeLabels
Résultat ushort>.Dictionary

ValueTable public_oe property

public Dictionary ValueTable
Résultat byte>.Dictionary

Values public_oe property

Values (such as labels and equates) found in the code
public Dictionary Values
Résultat ushort>.Dictionary

WorkingDirectories public_oe property

public Stack WorkingDirectories
Résultat Stack

currentAddress public_oe property

public ushort currentAddress
Résultat ushort

noList public_oe property

public bool noList
Résultat bool