C# Class OpenTK.Platform.Windows.Wgl

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Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
ChoosePixelFormat ( IntPtr hDc, PixelFormatDescriptor pPfd ) : int
ChoosePixelFormatEXT ( IntPtr hdc, int piAttribIList, System.Single pfAttribFList, Int32 nMaxFormats, [ piFormats, [ nNumFormats ) : System.Boolean
CopyContext ( IntPtr hglrcSrc, IntPtr hglrcDst, Int32 mask ) : System.Boolean
CreateContext ( IntPtr hDc ) : IntPtr
CreateLayerContext ( IntPtr hDc, int level ) : IntPtr
DeleteContext ( IntPtr oldContext ) : Boolean
DescribeLayerPlane ( IntPtr hDc, int pixelFormat, int layerPlane, Int32 nBytes, LayerPlaneDescriptor plpd ) : Boolean
DescribePixelFormat ( IntPtr hdc, int ipfd, Int32 cjpfd, PixelFormatDescriptor ppfd ) : int
GetCurrentContext ( ) : IntPtr
GetCurrentDC ( ) : IntPtr
GetDefaultProcAddres ( String lpszProc ) : IntPtr
GetLayerPaletteEntries ( IntPtr hdc, int iLayerPlane, int iStart, int cEntries, Int32 pcr ) : int
GetPixelFormat ( IntPtr hdc ) : int
GetProcAddres ( String lpszProc ) : IntPtr
Load ( string function ) : bool

Loads the given Wgl entry point.

LoadAll ( ) : void

Loads all Wgl entry points, core and extensions.

MakeContextCurrentEXT ( IntPtr hDrawDC, IntPtr hReadDC, IntPtr hglrc ) : Boolean
MakeCurrent ( IntPtr hDc, IntPtr newContext ) : Boolean
RealizeLayerPalette ( IntPtr hdc, int iLayerPlane, Boolean bRealize ) : Boolean
SetLayerPaletteEntries ( IntPtr hdc, int iLayerPlane, int iStart, int cEntries, Int32 pcr ) : int
SetPixelFormat ( IntPtr hdc, int ipfd, PixelFormatDescriptor ppfd ) : Boolean
ShareLists ( IntPtr hrcSrvShare, IntPtr hrcSrvSource ) : Boolean
SwapBuffers ( IntPtr hdc ) : Boolean
SwapLayerBuffers ( IntPtr hdc, Int32 fuFlags ) : Boolean
UseFontBitmapsA ( IntPtr hDC, Int32 first, Int32 count, Int32 listBase ) : Boolean
UseFontBitmapsW ( IntPtr hDC, Int32 first, Int32 count, Int32 listBase ) : Boolean
UseFontOutlinesA ( IntPtr hDC, Int32 first, Int32 count, Int32 listBase, float thickness, float deviation, Int32 fontMode, GlyphMetricsFloat glyphMetrics ) : Boolean
UseFontOutlinesW ( IntPtr hDC, Int32 first, Int32 count, Int32 listBase, float thickness, float deviation, Int32 fontMode, GlyphMetricsFloat glyphMetrics ) : Boolean

Private Methods

Méthode Description
ChoosePixelFormatEXT ( IntPtr hdc, int piAttribIList, System.Single pfAttribFList, UInt32 nMaxFormats, [ piFormats, [ nNumFormats ) : System.Boolean
CopyContext ( IntPtr hglrcSrc, IntPtr hglrcDst, UInt32 mask ) : System.Boolean
DescribeLayerPlane ( IntPtr hDc, int pixelFormat, int layerPlane, UInt32 nBytes, LayerPlaneDescriptor plpd ) : Boolean
DescribePixelFormat ( IntPtr hdc, int ipfd, UInt32 cjpfd, PixelFormatDescriptor ppfd ) : int
GetExtensionDelegate ( string name, Type signature ) : Delegate

Creates a System.Delegate that can be used to call a dynamically exported OpenGL function.

LoadDelegate ( string name, Type signature ) : Delegate

Creates a System.Delegate that can be used to call an OpenGL function, core or extension.

SwapLayerBuffers ( IntPtr hdc, UInt32 fuFlags ) : Boolean
Wgl ( ) : System

Method Details

ChoosePixelFormat() public static méthode

public static ChoosePixelFormat ( IntPtr hDc, PixelFormatDescriptor pPfd ) : int
hDc System.IntPtr
pPfd PixelFormatDescriptor
Résultat int

ChoosePixelFormatEXT() public static méthode

public static ChoosePixelFormatEXT ( IntPtr hdc, int piAttribIList, System.Single pfAttribFList, Int32 nMaxFormats, [ piFormats, [ nNumFormats ) : System.Boolean
hdc System.IntPtr
piAttribIList int
pfAttribFList System.Single
nMaxFormats System.Int32
piFormats [
nNumFormats [
Résultat System.Boolean

CopyContext() public static méthode

public static CopyContext ( IntPtr hglrcSrc, IntPtr hglrcDst, Int32 mask ) : System.Boolean
hglrcSrc System.IntPtr
hglrcDst System.IntPtr
mask System.Int32
Résultat System.Boolean

CreateContext() public static méthode

public static CreateContext ( IntPtr hDc ) : IntPtr
hDc System.IntPtr
Résultat System.IntPtr

CreateLayerContext() public static méthode

public static CreateLayerContext ( IntPtr hDc, int level ) : IntPtr
hDc IntPtr
level int
Résultat IntPtr

DeleteContext() public static méthode

public static DeleteContext ( IntPtr oldContext ) : Boolean
oldContext IntPtr
Résultat Boolean

DescribeLayerPlane() public static méthode

public static DescribeLayerPlane ( IntPtr hDc, int pixelFormat, int layerPlane, Int32 nBytes, LayerPlaneDescriptor plpd ) : Boolean
hDc IntPtr
pixelFormat int
layerPlane int
nBytes Int32
plpd LayerPlaneDescriptor
Résultat Boolean

DescribePixelFormat() public static méthode

public static DescribePixelFormat ( IntPtr hdc, int ipfd, Int32 cjpfd, PixelFormatDescriptor ppfd ) : int
hdc IntPtr
ipfd int
cjpfd Int32
ppfd PixelFormatDescriptor
Résultat int

GetCurrentContext() public static méthode

public static GetCurrentContext ( ) : IntPtr
Résultat IntPtr

GetCurrentDC() public static méthode

public static GetCurrentDC ( ) : IntPtr
Résultat IntPtr

GetDefaultProcAddres() public static méthode

public static GetDefaultProcAddres ( String lpszProc ) : IntPtr
lpszProc String
Résultat IntPtr

GetLayerPaletteEntries() public static méthode

public static GetLayerPaletteEntries ( IntPtr hdc, int iLayerPlane, int iStart, int cEntries, Int32 pcr ) : int
hdc IntPtr
iLayerPlane int
iStart int
cEntries int
pcr Int32
Résultat int

GetPixelFormat() public static méthode

public static GetPixelFormat ( IntPtr hdc ) : int
hdc IntPtr
Résultat int

GetProcAddres() public static méthode

public static GetProcAddres ( String lpszProc ) : IntPtr
lpszProc String
Résultat IntPtr

Load() public static méthode

Loads the given Wgl entry point.
public static Load ( string function ) : bool
function string The name of the function to load.
Résultat bool

LoadAll() public static méthode

Loads all Wgl entry points, core and extensions.
public static LoadAll ( ) : void
Résultat void

MakeContextCurrentEXT() public static méthode

public static MakeContextCurrentEXT ( IntPtr hDrawDC, IntPtr hReadDC, IntPtr hglrc ) : Boolean
hDrawDC IntPtr
hReadDC IntPtr
hglrc IntPtr
Résultat Boolean

MakeCurrent() public static méthode

public static MakeCurrent ( IntPtr hDc, IntPtr newContext ) : Boolean
hDc IntPtr
newContext IntPtr
Résultat Boolean

RealizeLayerPalette() public static méthode

public static RealizeLayerPalette ( IntPtr hdc, int iLayerPlane, Boolean bRealize ) : Boolean
hdc IntPtr
iLayerPlane int
bRealize Boolean
Résultat Boolean

SetLayerPaletteEntries() public static méthode

public static SetLayerPaletteEntries ( IntPtr hdc, int iLayerPlane, int iStart, int cEntries, Int32 pcr ) : int
hdc IntPtr
iLayerPlane int
iStart int
cEntries int
pcr Int32
Résultat int

SetPixelFormat() public static méthode

public static SetPixelFormat ( IntPtr hdc, int ipfd, PixelFormatDescriptor ppfd ) : Boolean
hdc IntPtr
ipfd int
ppfd PixelFormatDescriptor
Résultat Boolean

ShareLists() public static méthode

public static ShareLists ( IntPtr hrcSrvShare, IntPtr hrcSrvSource ) : Boolean
hrcSrvShare IntPtr
hrcSrvSource IntPtr
Résultat Boolean

SwapBuffers() public static méthode

public static SwapBuffers ( IntPtr hdc ) : Boolean
hdc IntPtr
Résultat Boolean

SwapLayerBuffers() public static méthode

public static SwapLayerBuffers ( IntPtr hdc, Int32 fuFlags ) : Boolean
hdc IntPtr
fuFlags Int32
Résultat Boolean

UseFontBitmapsA() public static méthode

public static UseFontBitmapsA ( IntPtr hDC, Int32 first, Int32 count, Int32 listBase ) : Boolean
hDC IntPtr
first Int32
count Int32
listBase Int32
Résultat Boolean

UseFontBitmapsW() public static méthode

public static UseFontBitmapsW ( IntPtr hDC, Int32 first, Int32 count, Int32 listBase ) : Boolean
hDC IntPtr
first Int32
count Int32
listBase Int32
Résultat Boolean

UseFontOutlinesA() public static méthode

public static UseFontOutlinesA ( IntPtr hDC, Int32 first, Int32 count, Int32 listBase, float thickness, float deviation, Int32 fontMode, GlyphMetricsFloat glyphMetrics ) : Boolean
hDC IntPtr
first Int32
count Int32
listBase Int32
thickness float
deviation float
fontMode Int32
glyphMetrics GlyphMetricsFloat
Résultat Boolean

UseFontOutlinesW() public static méthode

public static UseFontOutlinesW ( IntPtr hDC, Int32 first, Int32 count, Int32 listBase, float thickness, float deviation, Int32 fontMode, GlyphMetricsFloat glyphMetrics ) : Boolean
hDC IntPtr
first Int32
count Int32
listBase Int32
thickness float
deviation float
fontMode Int32
glyphMetrics GlyphMetricsFloat
Résultat Boolean